Apache Solr 4 Cookbook

  • 4h 23m
  • Rafal Kuc
  • Packt Publishing
  • 2013

Apache Solr is a blazing fast, scalable, open source Enterprise search server built upon Apache Lucene. Solr is wildly popular because it supports complex search criteria, faceting, result highlighting, query-completion, query spell-checking, and relevancy tuning, amongst other numerous features.

Apache Solr 4 Cookbook will show you how to get the most out of your search engine. Full of practical recipes and examples, this book will show you how to set up Apache Solr, tune and benchmark performance as well as index and analyze your data to provide better, more precise, and useful search data.

Apache Solr 4 Cookbook will make your search better, more accurate and faster with practical recipes on essential topics such as SolrCloud, querying data, search faceting, text and data analysis, and cache configuration.

With numerous practical chapters centered on important Solr techniques and methods, Apache Solr 4 Cookbook is an essential resource for developers who wish to take their knowledge and skills further. Thoroughly updated and improved, this Cookbook also covers the changes in Apache Solr 4 including the awesome capabilities of SolrCloud.

What you will learn from this book

  • Efficient and configurable Apache Solr 4 setup
  • Index your data in different formats, forms, and sources
  • Implement different autocomplete functionality
  • Achieve near real time search with Apache Solr 4
  • Improve and benchmark Apache Solr for increased performance
  • Master SolrCloud functionality
  • Diagnose and resolve your problems with Apache Solr 4
  • Improve the relevance of your queries
  • Overcome common problems when analyzing your data

About the Author

Rafal Kuc is a born team leader and software developer. Currently working as a Consultant and a Software Engineer at Sematext Inc, where he concentrates on open source technologies such as Apache Lucene and Solr, ElasticSearch, and Hadoop stack. He has more than 10 years of experience in various software branches, from banking software to e-commerce products. He is mainly focused on Java, but open to every tool and programming language that will make the achievement of his goal easier and faster. Rafal is also one of the founders of the solr.pl site, where he tries to share his knowledge and help people with their problems with Solr and Lucene. He is also a speaker for various conferences around the world such as Lucene Eurocon, Berlin Buzzwords, and ApacheCon.

Rafal began his journey with Lucene in 2002 and it wasn't love at first sight. When he came back to Lucene later in 2003, he revised his thoughts about the framework and saw the potential in search technologies. Then Solr came and that was it. From then on, Rafal has concentrated on search technologies and data analysis. Right now Lucene, Solr, and ElasticSearch are his main points of interest.

In this Book

  • Apache Solr Configuration
  • Indexing Your Data
  • Analyzing Your Text Data
  • Querying Solr
  • Using the Faceting Mechanism
  • Improving Solr Performance
  • In the Cloud
  • Using Additional Solr Functionalities
  • Dealing with Problems