Business Model Innovation: New Frontiers and Perspectives
- 4h 20m
- Demetris Vrontis, Evangelos Tsoukatos Rogdia, Gabriele Santoro, S.M. Riad Shams, Yaakov Weber
- Taylor and Francis
- 2021
There has been growing interest on business models among academics and practitioners in recent years, as business model describes how an organization creates, distributes and captures value and, therefore, can be considered the DNA of the organization. Recently, factors related to digital transformation, the vital role of sustainability and social aspects, along with an increasing globalization, have pushed towards radical transformations in business models.
This book aims to further our knowledge on business model innovation in new contexts of analysis and with new perspectives of investigation. Insights from business model innovation are presented from studies focusing on start-ups, small businesses and large businesses to provide a bigger picture on new dynamics connected to digital transformation, sustainability, new global relationships. As such, the scope is on new ways to create value, new components and dynamics (such as digitalization and sustainability) concerning the key elements of the business model (value creation, value configuration and value capture), and new relationships between actors that may foster business model innovation.
It represents a valuable resource for practitioners willing to innovate business models, academics aiming at finding new research lines, and students keen to learn more about business models.
About the Author
S. M. Riad Shams is Lecturer in Marketing at University of Northumbria, UK.
Demetris Vrontis is Professor in the School of Business at the University of Nicosia, Cyprus.
Yaakov Weber is Department Head at the College of Management for the EuroMed Research Business Institute, Israel.
Evangelos Tsoukatos Rogdia is Assistant Professor of Management in the Technological Educational Institute of Crete, Greece.
Gabriele Santoro is Assistant Professor of Business Management in the Department of Management at the University of Turin, Italy.
In this Book
The Relevance of Business Model in the Current Era
The Impact of Social Media on Business Model Innovation: Importance of Key Opinion Leader, User-Generated Contents, and Interactivity of the Network Community
Influencers' Impact on Business Model Innovation in the Luxury Personal Goods Industry
Lean Startup Approaches and Business Model Innovation—A Case Study on Digital Startups in an Institutional Void
Identifying the Driving Factors for Employee Retention in Mergers and Acquisitions: An In-Depth Literature Review Analysis
The Business Model Falls in LOVE: The Emotional Engagement of a Business
A Value Capture Model: Talent Management and Its Role on Affective Commitment and Turnover Intentions
Digital Platforms for Circular Business Model Innovation: A Case-Study to Tackle Food Waste
Sustainable Development as a Business Advantage in Real Estate
A Study on (Plug-in Hybrid) Electric Vehicle Adoption: Case Study of Toyota in Dubai and Sydney
Business Model Reconfiguration During COVID-19: A Stakeholder-Based View to Capitalise on Social Opportunities
Business Model Innovation: What Present? What Future?
About the Contributors