Dance of Disruption and Creation: Epochal Change and the Opportunity for Enterprise
- 3h 52m
- Nandu Nandkishore, Neeraj Chandra
- Taylor and Francis
- 2024

It’s an exciting time to be alive! We are witness to an epoch of change, a dance of disruption and creation, that is re-imagining our world. Where are these disruptions coming from? What opportunities do they uncover? How can one make sense of them? And most importantly, how should one prepare and act? This book, written by two influential business leaders, unpacks these "epochal" changes and how they represent a defining moment of opportunity for the world of business.
Nandu Nandkishore and Neeraj Chandra draw upon diverse sources, academic literature, discussions with CEOs, startup founders and experts, in order to understand the significant pivots of change emerging from a wide canvas and then stitch together a perspective of an exciting, brave new world. Unlike many other books that focus only on emerging technologies, the authors here look at disruption through several lenses: technology, demographics, economic change, the changing nature of institutions, and the interplay of technology as it fundamentally shapes consumers and society. The book goes beyond describing changes taking place. It explores the "why so" and "so what" to provide an understanding of the shifts taking place, and crucially, the implications for the world of enterprise. Using simple examples and frameworks throughout, the book provides specific, action-oriented solutions that businesses can employ.
This book will be of specific interest to business leaders, strategists, investment professionals, as well as social scientists and public servants. It is for change-makers who are excited to seize the unique opportunity that this change represents – to build competitive advantage, re-invent markets and enterprise, and indeed, to make the world a better place.
A selection of reference links and material for the book is accessible at
About the Author
Nandu Nandkishore and Neeraj Chandra are friends and batch-mates from IIM Ahmedabad, each with 40 years of experience working in global multinationals like Nestlé and Unilever in senior leadership roles, being on company boards, mentoring startups, and teaching at business school. They bring to this book their deep reflections and insights from years of accumulated global experience, from their vast network of experts, and curated from their extensive readings.
In this Book
Dance of Disruption and Creation
Introduction: Epochal Change and Enterprise: The Opportunity in Disruption
Economic Transformation: The Surge in Emerging Markets
Tumult of Age Pyramids: The Emerging Demographic Dividends
The Surge of Urbanisation: Transformation by Habitat
What We Think: Transformation by Belief
Society and Its Institutions: Unbundling and Re-Creation
Ubiquitous Connectivity: The Foundation of an Anytime, Anywhere World
Life and Identity in the Metaverse: The Internet Revolution – Platform for a new World
The Addition of Intelligence: “Smart” Drives the Future
The Revolution in Life Sciences: Health is the Real Wealth
Disruptions in the Power to Do: Future Revolutions
A World of Change: Perspectives for Business
Re-Imagine Value Spaces: Challenge, Re-Imagine, Imagine Anew
The Re-Imagination of Enterprise: Leveraging Technology to Drive Disruption
Re-Imagine Organising: Lead to Seize the Win