Data Cleaning Pocket Primer

  • 2h 23m
  • Oswald Campesato
  • Mercury Learning
  • 2018

As part of the best selling Pocket Primer series, this book is an effort to give programmers sufficient knowledge of data cleaning to be able to work on their own projects. It is designed as a practical introduction to using flexible, powerful (and free) Unix / Linux shell commands to perform common data cleaning tasks. The book is packed with realistic examples and numerous commands that illustrate both the syntax and how the commands work together.


  • A practical introduction to using flexible, powerful (and free) Unix / Linux shell commands to perform common data cleaning tasks
  • Includes the concept of piping data between commands, regular expression substitution, and the sed and awk commands
  • Packed with realistic examples and numerous commands that illustrate both the syntax and how the commands work together
  • Assumes the reader has no prior experience, but the topic is covered comprehensively enough to teach a pro some new tricks

About the Author

Oswald Campesato (San Francisco, CA) specializes in D3, Java, Android, and CSS3/SVG graphics. He is the author/co-author of twenty books including jQuery, CSS3, HTML5 for Mobile and Desktop Devices, and Python Pocket Primer (Mercury Learning).

In this Book

  • Introduction
  • Useful Commands
  • Filtering Data with grep
  • Transforming Data with sed
  • Doing Everything Else with awk