Faster, Fewer, Better Emails: Manage the Volume, Reduce the Stress, Love the Results

  • 1h 42m
  • Dianna Booher
  • Booher Consultants, Inc.
  • 2019

Business communication expert and bestselling author Dianna Booher shares practical wisdom on how to write effective emails that get results and how to organize documents to gain control and increase your productivity.

Today, most business writing is email writing. We handle even our most important customer transactions, internal operations, and supplier partnerships solely by email.

Yet many of us still struggle to write emails that get results. And we often are so overwhelmed by the sheer volume of emails that we feel as though we're in email jail!

How we handle email has a large impact on the trajectory of our career. Emails can build or destroy credibility, clarify or confuse situations for our coworkers and customers, and reduce or increase security risks and legal liabilities. This book will help you master your emails and stand out as a clear, credible communicator. After all, clear, credible communicators become leaders in every industry.

With more than three decades of experience analyzing emails across various industries for corporate clients, Booher offers guidance on how to identify and stop email clutter so you can increase productivity while improving communication flow. In this book, you will learn how to:

  • Compose actionable emails quickly by following Booher's philosophy of Think First, Draft Fast, and Edit Last
  • Write concise emails that get read so you get a quick response
  • Organize a commonsense file storage system that helps you find documents and emails quickly to attach and send
  • Present a professional image when you email prospects, customers, and coworkers
  • Be aware of legal liabilities and security risks as you send and receive email

About the Author

Dianna Booher is the author of forty-eight books, published in sixty-one foreign-language editions, with approximately 4 million copies sold. She is founder and CEO of Booher Research Institute. Booher also founded and served as CEO of Booher Consultants, Inc., a communication training firm, for more than three decades. In both organizations, she taught communication programs and coached executives on leadership communication issues.

In this Book

  • Introduction
  • Twelve Strategies to Cut the Clutter
  • Think First to Include the Right Information for the Right People
  • Draft Fast to Be Productive
  • Edit Last for Clarity, Conciseness, Grammar, and Style
  • Organize Folders and Files to save and Send Information
  • Protect Yourself and Your Organization
  • Maintain Your Professional Reputation
  • Your Next Steps
  • Notes
  • Bibliography