#POSITIVITY AT WORK tweet Book01: 140 Bite-Sized Ideas to Help You Create a Positive Organization Where Employees Thrive

  • 14m
  • Lisa Zigarmi, S. Chris Edmonds
  • Happy About
  • 2012

Work is a good thing yet it’s not always a positive thing. It’s not always gratifying or enriching because people spend a majority of their waking life in organizations that don’t create wellness. A positive workplace provides a constructive environment that fulfills our needs for autonomy, connection, and impact, while ensuring the means to food and shelter. Workplaces that enable positivity give employees access to the essential elements of well-being: positive emotion, positive relationships, purpose and meaning, positive accomplishment, and positive health. These elements, taken together, create individual and collective flourishing. When the conditions for well-being are present in the workplace, everybody—employer, employees, external stakeholders, and the wider society—benefits.

Expert organizational psychologists S. Chris Edmonds and Lisa Zigarmi have seen how positive organizations empower the people who work within them, while providing meaningful contributions to society. In #POSITIVITY at WORK tweet, they define and describe a positive workplace, and then go on to demonstrate how to engender positive emotions, relationships, accomplishment, and health at work. For example, since people show up at work with their hearts as well as their heads, leaders need to be as concerned with affect as well as results. Positive emotion reflects perceptions of safety, satisfaction, and achievement and produces future well-being and positive consequences. Expressing positive emotion is critical for human growth and development, and equally critical for organizational success. Or, to take another example, positive health, which means much more than just the absence of illness. Our physical conditions have a huge impact on our presence, skill application, and nimbleness at work. The more positive our physical health, the greater our connection to our work, peers, leaders, company, and customers.

Enabling positivity at work is not simple. Healthy work cultures happen by design, not default. It takes intentional choice to foster a culture of wellness. The responsibility lies not only with the employer, but also with the individuals who make up the organization. And in this effort, S. Chris Edmonds and Lisa Zigarmi’s designed-for-action #POSITIVITY at WORK tweet is a perfect guide, one that will help you create a healthy, affirmative work environment where every individual contributes, connects, succeeds, and thrives.

About the Authors

S. Chris Edmonds is a speaker, author, and senior consultant with the Ken Blanchard Companies. He is the author of #CORPORATE CULTURE tweet, co-author of Blanchard’s bestselling book, Leading at a Higher Level, and also co-author of Blanchard’s award-winning culture change process. As Blanchard’s culture expert he has helped numerous clients create a high performing, values aligned culture using Blanchard’s proven process. Thousands of his followers on Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn look forward to his culture and leadership tweets each day.

Lisa Zigarmi is a Lead Client Service Partner for The Ken Blanchard Companies located in New York City. She works with Fortune 500 companies to build leadership capacity within their ranks and is passionate about creating saner, more effective, more meaning-driven organizations. She is currently researching employee work passion/engagement and helps leaders and organizations to create the conditions (role, organizational, and relational) for their employees to flourish. Lisa has an M.A. in Applied Positive Psychology from The University of Pennsylvania. She is also a certified coach, completing her coach training through The Coaches Training Institute.

In this Book

  • Positivity at Work Tweet Book01—140 Bite-Sized Ideas to Help You Create a Positive Organization Where Employees Thrive
  • Foreword by Ken Blanchard
  • A Positive Workplace—What It Is and Isn’t
  • wPositive Emotion at Work
  • Positive Relationships at Work
  • Meaning and Purpose at Work
  • Positive Accomplishment at Work
  • Positive Health at Work