Powered Prostheses

  • 5h 24m
  • Emel Demircan, Houman Dallali, Mo Rastgaar
  • Elsevier Science and Technology Books, Inc.
  • 2021

Powered Prostheses: Design, Control, and Clinical Applications presents the state-of-the-art in design, control and application of assistive technologies used in rehabilitation, including powered prostheses used in lower and upper extremity amputees and orthosis used in the rehabilitation of various joint disorders. The progress made in this field over the last decade is so vast that any new researcher in this field will have to spend years digesting the main achievements and challenges that remain. This book provides a comprehensive vision of advances, along with the challenges that remain on the path to the development of true bionic technology.

In this Book

  • Control of Transhumeral Prostheses Based on Electromyography Pattern Recognition—From Amputees to Deep Learning
  • The 2-DOF Mechanical Impedance of the Human Ankle during Poses of the Stance Phase
  • Task-Dependent Modulation of Multi-Dimensional Human Ankle Stiffness
  • Kriging for Prosthesis Control
  • Disturbance Observer Applications in Rehabilitation Robotics—An Overview
  • Reduction in the Metabolic Cost of Human Walking Gaits Using Quasi-Passive Upper Body Exoskeleton
  • Neural Control in Prostheses and Exoskeletons
  • Stair Negotiation Made Easier Using Low-Energy Interactive Stairs
  • Semi-Active Prostheses for Low-Power Gait Adaptation