Social Scientists Confronting Global Crises
- 2h 53m
- Jean M. Bartunek
- Taylor and Francis
- 2022

Social scientists develop knowledge that is directly pertinent to global challenges and crises and need to be included in initiatives taken to address them. This book is a step towards such presentation and involvement.
Global crises are crucially intertwined with our relationships, groups, organizations, communities, institutions, how they collaborate with each other, how they compete with each other, and the dynamics intermingled with these. These dimensions are inadequately addressed by scientists and insufficiently recognized by other stakeholders. With contributions from a global array of respected social scientists, this shortform book contributes to deep understandings of social phenomena associated with global crises. In illuminating interventions via those dealing with challenges and crises first-hand, the book also shows the ongoing personal development required to address global crises in productive ways.
This book will be of interest to social scientists, researchers, academics, organizational consultants and students in the fields of management, especially those focusing on global challenges and crises. It will also be a useful resource for practitioners and policy makers.
About the Author
Jean M. Bartunek is the Robert A. and Evelyn J. Ferris Chair and Professor of Management and Organization at Boston College, USA.
In this Book
Introduction—The Importance of This Book
Striving for Wholeness: It is Time for Social Scientists to Make a Loud Noise!
The Important Role of Management Researchers in Addressing Global Crises: Insights from Innovation North
Dialogic Organization Development and the Generative Change Model: Opportunities and Challenges for Managing Global Crises
When the Stakes are High and Trust is Low
Should Capitalism Be Reimagined?: If so, How?
Pathway to Balance
Gathering on the Bridge: Co-Creating Our Emerging Equity-Centered Future
Expanding Relational Coordination to Tackle Global Crises: The Relational Society Project
Global Warming: The Threat and The Hope
Leadership in Times of Upheaval: The Rise of the Empathic Leader
Renewing the Earth Starts With Renewing Our Capacity to Work Together
The Social Field as a Teacher: Seven Principles for Building Transformational Learning Infrastructures
Being in Service of Collaboration: Reflection of a Newcomer
Appendix: Social Scientists Need to Speak Up