Stop, Ask, Explore: Learn to Navigate Change in Times of Uncertainty

  • 3h 29m
  • Joan P. Ball
  • Kogan Page
  • 2022

Interruptions and disruptions are a threshold to uncharted territory. You can learn to navigate uncertain transitions - and to flourish in times of unrelenting change.

This book offers readers a practical framework for navigating life's inevitable turning points, thresholds and transitions - at work, at home and in between. Drawing upon more than a decade of research and work with established and emerging leaders across the globe, leadership consultant, Joan P. Ball invites you to reimagine your relationship with uncertainty and recognize the creative potential that exists in the messy middle between life's inevitable What Now? Moments and what comes next.

Stop, Ask, Explore is a lively and eye-opening book that will allow you to more effectively engage interruptions and disruptions and develop the experimental mindset needed to flourish in an era of unrelenting and exponential change. Discover the power of curiosity, wayfinding, and discernment to make sense of uncharted territory and learn to thrive in times of uncertainty.

About the Author

Joan P. Ball is an associate professor of Marketing at St. John's University, a researcher and a leadership coach. Joan works with emerging and established leaders to help them navigate flux, build resilience and develop an experimental mindset when faced with tricky transitions. The founder of WOMBLab, she works with individuals, teams and organizations to develop new tools to help leader navigate uncertain transitions and teach others to do the same. She has worked with leaders from companies like Verizon Media, Capital One and Herman Miller. She is based in New York City, New York.

In this Book

  • Introduction
  • What Now? Moments and navigating uncharted territory
  • Don’t follow your passion—Dispassionate curiosity and active resilience
  • Don’t pivot—Active waiting and minding our metaphors
  • Lost in transition—Creating learning space to get your bearings
  • Zoom in—Rigorous self-awareness and making sense of new terrain
  • Zoom out—Wayfinding from the outside in
  • What’s possible? Identify possibilities and put everything on the altar
  • Learn by doing—The art and science of experimentation
  • Now pivot! From exploration to execution
  • Now follow your passion!
  • What Now? Moments and life in uncharted territory
  • Conclusion
  • References
  • Disclosures