The Cryptocurrency Revolution: Finance in the Age of Bitcoin, Blockchains and Tokens

  • 4h 44m
  • Rhian Lewis
  • Kogan Page
  • 2021

The world of cryptocurrencies and blockchains was initially viewed as a niche space of little interest to mainstream business and finance sectors. With major banks now licensed to provide cryptocurrency custody solutions, and everyone from Facebook to governments using the underlying technology to create their own digital currencies, this has undoubtedly changed.

The Cryptocurrency Revolution explains the most important takeaways from the continued growth of digital currencies and blockchain technology and explores the transformative possibilities of borderless payments, decentralized finance ('DeFi') and machine-to-machine transactions.

Written in jargon-free and accessible language, this book examines the key value proposition of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies and how decentralized technologies could enable banks and financial institutions to become more efficient. It looks at the potential impact of company-backed virtual currencies (such as Facebook's Libra) and how governments and regulators around the world are reacting to these innovations. With discussion of the principles of tokenomics and the difference between public and private blockchains, The Cryptocurrency Revolution is the essential guide for those wishing to understand the threats and opportunities of the changing world of payments and finance.

About the Author

Rhian Lewis is a software developer and writer who has been thinking and writing about blockchain technology since 2013. She received a BSc in Economics from UCL and after becoming obsessed by the transformative possibilities of Bitcoin, co-founded the London Women in Bitcoin meetup group in 2014 and co-developed cryptocurrency portfolio tracker CountMyCrypto. In 2016, with some friends, she co-founded a decentralized proof-of-ownership concept based on Ethereum, which was chosen to participate in the inaugural NexusLabs accelerator, the first blockchain-specific startup incubator in Europe. Rhian is a software developer at Unboxed and is also an instructor for blockchain educators B9lab Academy, and is a former digital journalist for She has spoken about blockchain technology and cryptocurrency at conferences worldwide, including FinTech Japan in Tokyo, Blockchain Live in London and Heisenbug in Moscow.

In this Book

  • Introduction
  • What is Money?
  • The First 10 Years of Bitcoin
  • Litecoin, Ethereum and a Tidal Wave of Altcoins
  • Libra—How Big Tech Moved in on Digital Currencies
  • Tokenomics and Governance
  • Driving Change with Token Economies—Case Studies
  • Public Blockchains Versus Permissioned Blockchains
  • ICO Mania
  • Banking and Financial Services
  • A Revolution in Financial Products
  • Regulation
  • State-Issued Digital Currencies
  • Future Digital Currency Trends