Electrical Safety: Qualified Worker – Part 1
- 11 topics | 49m 12s
- Up to 30 languages
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This course provides a comprehensive overview of the basic criteria for electrical safety-related work practices stipulated in the National Fire Protection Agency (NFPA) 70E Standard for Electrical Safety in the Workplace. It presents detailed information on the practices, programs, techniques, and processes related to electrical work, in accordance with the NFPA Standard. This course was developed with subject matter support provided by EnSafe Inc., a global professional services company focusing on engineering, environment, health and safety, and information technology. Please note, the course materials and content were current with the laws and regulations at the time of the last expert review, however, they may not reflect the most current legal developments. Nothing herein, or in the course materials, shall be construed as professional advice as to any particular situation with respect to compliance with legal statutes or requirements.
Electrical Safety: Qualified Worker – Part 1
identify characteristics of different electrical safety standards
identify characteristics of qualified and unqualified persons
Knowledge Check: Electrical Safety Standards
identify areas qualified persons should be trained in
identify examples of electrical hazards
identify required practices for performing work on or near live parts
Knowledge Check: Training and Safe Work Practices
sequence the steps involved in applying a lockout/tagout procedure
identify conditions a lockout/tagout has to meet in order to be enforced
identify the minimum requirements that must be included in an Energized Electrical Work Permit
Knowledge Check: Lockout/Tagout and Work Permits
Electrical Safety: Qualified Worker – Part 11m
Regulations and Standards for Electrical Safety5m
Qualified versus Unqualified Persons3m
Knowledge Check: Electrical Safety Standards5m
Training Requirements and Content4m
General Safe Work Practices4m
Knowledge Check: Training and Safe Work Practices5m
Lockout/Tagout Procedure3m
Locking and Tagging Conditions5m
Energized Parts and Electrical Work Permits4m
Knowledge Check: Lockout/Tagout and Work Permits6m
Psychological and Physical Safety for Supervisors and Managers
Regulatory and Industry Standards for EHS