Global Safety Principles: Business Travel and Security
- 9 topics | 33m
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This course will help business travelers reduce the risks to themselves and property while traveling for work. It provides guidelines on how to take precautionary and evasive measures to greatly reduce becoming a victim of crime in various environments frequented by travelers, including airports, hotels, driving in a car, and when out and about in a new location. It also provides advice on what a business traveler should do in the aftermath of a crime.This course was developed with subject matter provided by New Level Safety Limited, a professional services company specializing in corporate health and safety management. Please note, the course materials and content were current with the laws and regulations at the time of the last expert review, however, they may not reflect the most current legal developments. Nothing herein, or in the course materials, shall be construed as professional advice as to any particular situation with respect to compliance with legal statutes or requirements.
Global Safety Principles: Business Travel and Security
identify the principles associated with each component of the R.O.A.R. model for maintaining a safety mindset
Knowledge Check: Reducing the Risks Associated with Business Travel
stay safe when traveling by car while on business
take appropriate precautions to ensure your personal safety and the security of your possessions at the airport
prepare for a safe hotel stay while traveling for business
prepare for your safety while out and about during business travel
Knowledge Check: Recognize: Being Aware of the World Around You
determine the best approach to take when confronted by a potentially dangerous situation
identify which action should be taken as a last resort when confronted by an aggressor
Knowledge Check: Overcoming Your Fears and Taking Action
recognize why it's important to report incidents that occur while traveling on business
Knowledge Check: Reporting Incidents
Global Safety Principles: Business Travel and Security1m
Reducing the Risks Associated with Business Travel4m
Knowledge Check: Reducing the Risks Associated with Business Travel1m
Recognize: Being Aware of the World Around You6m
Knowledge Check: Recognize: Being Aware of the World Around You8m
Overcoming Your Fears and Taking Action4m
Knowledge Check: Overcoming Your Fears and Taking Action2m
Reporting Incidents2m
Knowledge Check: Reporting Incidents1m
Global Safety Principles: Industrial Robot Safety Awareness
Global Safety Principles: Machine Guarding 2.0
Global Workplace Safety Orientation (Customizable)