Aspire Journeys

Team Management

  • 8 Courses | 2h 15m 55s
Rating 5.0 of 1 users Rating 5.0 of 1 users (1)
This project-based training is to help first time managers build and apply their leadership competencies at the workplace, be more inclusive and efficient, find their own voice, and in turn, help their team achieve their potential through a series of hands-on projects. The tracks below will guide you to complete and submit your team management project. Learn more about Team Management as a First Time Manager.

Benchmark Yourself

Evaluating yourself along the way will help you track your progress and allow you to recognize areas where you’ve been successful and areas that need improvement.

  • 1 Course | 18s

Build your Skills

Expand and grow your abilities in order to realize success.

  • 5 Courses | 2h 10m 37s


Leading in a Hybrid Workplace
The days of showing up at the office or shopfloor 9-to-5, five days a week, ended for many of us long before the pandemic arrived. Covid accelerated a transformation in where and when we work that was already well underway. A team leader in the 21st century will need to prepare for the future of work by learning to lead hybrid teams, which include a mix of remote and onsite workers, often on different schedules. In this course, you'll learn about becoming a human-centered manager who can build a sense of community in a group of individuals separated by space and time. You'll see how inequities can arise in hybrid teams, and how to avoid them. You'll learn tools and techniques for improving collaboration among physically separated workers. Finally, you'll explore strategies for maintaining high productivity and performance on hybrid teams.
7 videos | 25m has Assessment available Badge
Synchronize Goals to Optimize Your Team
Most organizations have strategic plans that articulate their goals, but frequently, those goals are unknown to everyone except the executive team. This lack of transparency clouds the organization's ability to synchronize their goals and hobbles their ability to work successfully. In this course, you will learn how to synchronize organizational, team, and individual goals to maximize opportunities for success. You'll also explore how to get everyone on your team pulling in the same direction, reducing employee dissatisfaction and increasing productivity.
7 videos | 25m has Assessment available Badge
Bridging Differences in Cross-cultural Communication
In today's world, business is global. No matter the industry or sector, the chances that you are working with people from another country or culture are high. Given that business is communication, the ability to communicate successfully across cultures is a mission critical skill. Communicating successfully with people from our own culture, in our own language is challenging enough. When we interact with people from other cultures, the barriers to effective communication are even more pronounced. In this course, you will learn about two principal dimensions of culture that underlie culturally different ways of communicating and learn vocabulary that will allow you to explain differences in communication styles. You will also explore barriers to communicating effectively across cultures and identify ways to overcome them.
7 videos | 26m has Assessment available Badge
Embedding Inclusion into Everyday Experiences
DEI concepts are easy to train, but harder to put into practice. In our ever-changing world of work, leaders are taxed with delivering optimal results and still creating a space where people want to contribute their time, talent, energy, and creativity. This course covers the top ways for leaders to create micro-experiences that have a macro impact on the culture of their teams and their organization. In this course, you'll learn strategies to weave storytelling into everyday work, competencies for leading and enabling inclusive conversations, including using inclusive language and chosen names and pronouns, as well as leadership practices that embody allyship through personal accountability. You'll also learn techniques to use organizational resources equitably to support DEI, and how to gain confidence in building inclusive cultures.
7 videos | 34m has Assessment available Badge
Leadership Toolkit: Running a Team Debrief
Successful leadership in today's business world requires a multitude of skills and competencies. Among them is the ability to manage diverse teams of individuals with different backgrounds, experiences and expertise. Running an effective team debrief helps business teams more fully understand both the positive outcomes and shortcomings of team events and what needs to be done to rectify missteps and make similar future events even more successful. In this course, you will learn specific techniques and strategies for running a successful team debriefing while handling the challenges of diverse personalities and perspectives. You'll also learn how to keep your business team focused on improving processes, mitigating potential future risks, and finding solutions while avoiding the temptation of assigning blame or abdicating responsibility.
2 videos | 19m has Assessment available Badge


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Team Management Unit Benchmark
Leading a team is a privilege, but one that brings with it great responsibility and accountability. It requires great skill in coaching, listening, and a leadership mindset. In this Team Management Unit Benchmark, you'll assess your current leadership competencies, finding your strengths and exploring areas where you can further learn and grow. This benchmark evaluates your understanding of this topic. Being aware of potential knowledge gaps allows you to better understand your current competency and areas for improvement, so you can find suitable content and curate your own learning path. The courses recommended at the end of this benchmark can help you fill potential gaps in your knowledge.
7m    |   10 questions


Rating 4.3 of 4 users Rating 4.3 of 4 users (4)
Channel Leading Teams
Rating 5.0 of 1 users Rating 5.0 of 1 users (1)