Automated Testing with Selenium Proficiency (Advanced Level)

  • 30m
  • 30 questions
The Automated Testing with Selenium Proficiency benchmark assesses your knowledge of using Selenium WebDriver to handle and work with security certificates, cookies, stale element exceptions, DatePicker, and the HTTP client library. You will be evaluated on your skills in working with Selenium RC server, Selenium Python RegEx, WebDriver conditional commands, and class locators. You will also be measured on your ability to install, configure, and integrate testing with Selenium to automate test case creation and execution. A learner who scores high on this benchmark demonstrates that they have the skills to handle security and manage application components and data elements using Selenium.

Topics covered

  • add cookies while automating test executions using WebDriver
  • automate testing calendar scenarios using the jQuery DatePicker
  • automate testing the context menu functionality of applications using WebDriver's Actions class
  • automate the process of extracting email addresses from web pages using Selenium Python RegEx
  • call document.cookie and parse results using Selenium WebDriver
  • create a TestNG XML file and demonstrate its implementation in test automation
  • create dependencies between test cases using a real-time use case scenario
  • delete named cookies from the current domain while automating test executions using Selenium
  • demonstrate how to handle "Element is not clickable at point" exception scenarios with Selenium WebDriver
  • demonstrate how to implement test execution in Python using Selenium RC Server
  • demonstrate the process of defining and creating multiple test cases using TestNG
  • demonstrate the process of getting texts from image elements using Selenium Python
  • fetch texts from PDF files while automating test executions using Selenium, Java, and TestNG
  • illustrate how to handle a stale element exception error using Selenium WebDriver
  • illustrate the process of using autogenerated XML and reports
  • implement Soft Assertions in Selenium TestNG
  • implement the Python exception logging module to capture full stack trace in the context of the try and except block in Python to catch and handle exceptions
  • implement WebDriver conditional commands using Selenium Python, to automate tests based on specified conditions
  • implement WebDriver listeners to demonstrate their usage in test automation scenarios
  • install and configure TestNG for productive test case authoring
  • integrate TestNG and Selenium and create dependencies between test cases using Selenium WebDriver and TestNG
  • manage security certificates in Internet Explorer while implementing test automation with Selenium
  • perform parallel execution of tests using TestNG and Selenium
  • read data from properties files using Java and Selenium and then use the read data to automate tests
  • return the values of a cookie with a specific name and return null if no cookie is found with the given name
  • show how to automate tests that verify JavaScript code execution using Selenium Python
  • take screenshots when tests fail using Selenium WebDriver
  • use Selenium Python and the ActionChains class to automate low-level interactions, such as mouse movements and mouse button actions
  • use the HTTP client library to check the status codes of images on web pages and implement automated testing to find broken or invalid images
  • write automation test scripts to find all href elements using the XPath module provided by Selenium Python