AWS Certified DevOps Engineer 2021: AWS Configuration Management and Infrastructure as Code Competency (Intermediate Level)

  • 29m
  • 29 questions
The AWS Configuration Management and Infrastructure as Code Competency benchmark evaluates your knowledge of how AWS CloudFormation can be used to automatically provision and manage infrastructure, as well as how and why AWS Elastic Beanstalk is used. You will be evaluated on your implementation skills for AWS Lambda and API Gateway deployments, knowledge of differentiation between Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) and Elastic Container Registry (ECR), and your ECS and ECR container application skills. A learner who scores high on this benchmark demonstrates that they have the skills necessary to outline the importance of configuration management in an AWS environment and can use AWS tools for configuration management.

Topics covered

  • configure ECS to collect Amazon CloudWatch logs
  • create and deploy a lambda function in AWS CloudFormation
  • create and manage an AWS Elastic Beanstalk-hosted application 
  • create an ECS cluster using the ECS console and recognize the relationship between an ECS cluster and its EC2 instances
  • create a nested stack using AWS CloudFormation
  • create a REST API using the API Gateway console
  • define the concept of configuration as code and list the features and benefits it provides
  • deploy a multicontainer Docker environment to Elastic Beanstalk
  • deploy a multi-Docker solution in AWS using a combination of ECS and Elastic Beanstalk
  • describe the various lifecycle events used in AWS OpsWorks
  • illustrate how to perform continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) in Amazon ECS and ECR
  • install Elastic Beanstalk Command Line Interface (EB CLI)
  • list AWS CloudFormation security features such as data protection, AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) templates, IAM service roles, API logging using CloudTrail, resiliency, and compliance
  • manage rolling updates and deployments within Elastic Beanstalk applications
  • manage various types of instances available in the AWS OpsWorks console
  • name the tools that can be used to monitor Elastic Beanstalk applications and outline how to carry out Elastic Beanstalk monitoring activities
  • name various Elastic Beanstalk deployment modes and recall which deployment mode is best for each deployment situation
  • outline the concepts of versions and aliases using AWS Lambda functions and advanced configuration settings, such as memory and the virtual private cloud
  • outline the features and components of the AWS Config service
  • outline the various concepts used to create advanced CloudFormation deployments such as cfn-init scripts and cfn-signal scripts
  • outline the various deployment options with API Gateway and the connection to API Gateway stages
  • outline the various methods used to secure key-value pairs used in Lambda functions
  • outline what Elastic Beanstalk is used for, how to use it, and its main concepts and terminology
  • perform monitoring and auto-healing for AWS OpsWorks using Amazon CloudWatch
  • recall the advanced features of ECS such as Auto Scaling, CI/CD, and CloudWatch integrations
  • recognize how the IaC model is used to provision infrastructure
  • secure environment variable key-value pairs in KMS or SSM
  • state the features and capabilities for using ECS clusters, services, and task definitions and how they relate to each other
  • use AWS Config to view all resources under an account