Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) 2024 Competency (Intermediate Level)

  • 20m
  • 20 questions
The Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) Competency (Intermediate Level) benchmark measures your competency in managing and configuring Kubernetes network components. You will be evaluated on your knowledge of cluster networking and Kubernetes pods, ConfigMaps, and secrets. A learner who scores high on this benchmark demonstrates the ability to manage Kubernetes networking effectively.

Topics covered

  • Configure an ingress controller
  • Configure a NodePort service
  • Control ingress and egress network traffic using a network policy
  • Define multiple container images in a pod manifest file
  • Deploy a pod at the command line without using a configuration file
  • Describe how CoreDNS is used for service discovery and name resolution within a cluster
  • Describe how network traffic can be filtered using network policies
  • Describe when and how to implement a NodePort service
  • Generate ConfigMaps using a generator
  • Identify how network communication occurs within a Kubernetes cluster
  • Identify the purpose of a pod init container
  • Outline how services span worker nodes and provide a permanent IP address for pod access
  • Outline mandatory and optional syntax elements in a manifest configuration file
  • Outline the role of ingress resources and controllers
  • Provide an overview of when and how to implement a ClusterIP service
  • Provide an overview of when and how to implement a LoadBalancer service
  • Set resource quotas to limit storage usage
  • Store application settings in a cloud-based ConfigMap
  • Store application settings in a ConfigMap
  • Use environment variables in cluster workloads