Serverless Literacy (Beginner Level)

  • 20m
  • 20 questions
The Serverless Literacy benchmark measures whether a learner has had some exposure to Serverless practice and processes. A learner who scores high on this benchmark demonstrates literacy in all areas of the Serverless discipline, can participate in Serverless discussions, and recognize the advice of more advanced Serverless practitioners.

Topics covered

  • define the concept of FaaS and recall programming models that help developers in selecting serverless architecture and runtime
  • describe steps and considerations involved in migrating from an existing service to serverless
  • describe technology evolution and benefits of the serverless mindset
  • describe the cloud application maturity model and cloud-native stack model with a focus on long-term observable trends in cloud systems engineering
  • describe the features of different serverless systems and how they help facilitate computing, storage, and queue processing
  • describe the purpose of different serverless pattern categories
  • differentiate between the characteristics of serverless computing and Platform as a Service (PaaS)
  • distinguish between the features and use cases of serverless and container deployment
  • identify distinguishing characteristics and architectural components of serverless platforms
  • list common architectures that integrate serverless approaches and identify factors to consider when implementing a serverless architecture
  • list steps and best practices for migrating from monolithic apps to serverless architecture
  • list the key categories of serverless hybridization and potential use cases for implementing multi-cloud serverless solutions
  • outline characteristics, benefits, and applications of serverless architecture
  • outline considerations for selecting a serverless implementation
  • outline the evolution of cloud data center models for autonomic and agile elastic resource provisioning
  • recall the journey of cloud computing from the shared mainframes era to managed cloud solutions
  • recognize considerations for outsourcing IT operations and strategic value of IT activities, and risks associated with IT outsourcing
  • recognize differences between DevOps and NoOps and describe the impact of NoOps on serverless deployment
  • recognize different types of data centers, their hardware requirements, and the layers of data center network architecture
  • recognize prominent serverless computing platforms and the advantages of runtime