Web Design with HTML5 and CSS3 Proficiency (Advanced Level)

  • 30m
  • 30 questions
The Web Design with HTML5 and CSS3 Proficiency benchmark will measure your ability to understand HTML5 APIs and files for web storage, use XML and AJAX with HTML5, and use CSS3 and HTML5 to create a navigation menu. You will be evaluated on your skills to manipulate images and text using animation and transforms, and use JavaScript to access and modify HTML5 objects. You will also be assessed on your skills to make web elements editable, advanced features of the browser, use JavaScript to create timers and marquees, access and validate form data, and manipulate forms with CSS3. A learner who scores high on this benchmark demonstrates that they have the ability to create interactive and responsive web pages.

Topics covered

  • apply a gradient fill to an HTML5 list
  • apply box-sizing properties to an element to fit boxes in an HTML5 document
  • apply CSS3 pseudo selectors to an HTML5 document
  • apply CSS3 styles to a progress bar to customize it in an HTML5 document
  • create an animated picture using CSS3 in an HTML5 document
  • describe how drag and drop can be used in an HTML5 document
  • describe how to apply a 3D transformation to an object in an HTML5 document
  • describe how to drag and drop files using the File API in HTML5
  • describe how to insert images into an HTML5 form field using CSS3
  • describe how to use CSS3 styles to modify background images in an HTML5 document
  • describe how to use session storage within an HTML5 document
  • describe some of the advanced CSS3 animation techniques available in HTML5
  • describe the basic features of AJAX in an HTML5 document
  • describe the browser best practices when using HTML5
  • describe the use and purpose of XML in HTML5
  • draw triangles using CSS3 in HTML5
  • select a group of elements using querySelectorAll from within an HTML5 document
  • troubleshoot issues with HTML5 documents
  • use a transform to add a perspective to an object in an HTML5 document
  • use CSS3 and sprites to animate a menu in an HTML5 document
  • use CSS3 drop shadows in an HTML5 document
  • use CSS3 to add style to an HTML5 submit button
  • use CSS3 to change the mouse cursor when over an element in an HTML5 document
  • use CSS3 to change the range slider style in an HTML5 document
  • use CSS3 to change the style of an HTML5 form
  • use HTML5 features to design websites that are mobile friendly
  • use the meter tag in an HTML5 document
  • use the progress tag in an HTML5 document
  • use Video Format Support detection in HTML5
  • validate form data