The Innovation Code: The Creative Power of Constructive Conflict
- 3h 10m 38s
- Jeff DeGraff
- Berrett-Koehler Publishers
- 2017
Harmony is sublime in music but deadly to innovation. The only way to create new, hybrid solutions is to clash. Innovation happens when we bring people with contrasting perspectives and complementary areas of expertise together in one room. We innovate best with people who challenge us, not people who agree with us.
It sounds like a recipe for chaos and confusion. But in The Innovation Code, Jeff DeGraff, dubbed the “Dean of Innovation,” and Staney DeGraff introduce a simple framework to explain the ways different kinds of thinkers and leaders can create constructive conflict in any organization. This positive tension produces ingenious solutions that go far beyond “the best of both worlds.”
In this Audiobook
Chapter 1: Tell Me Your Biggest Weakness
Chapter 2: What is the Innovation Code?
Chapter 3: Constructive Conflict
Chapter 4: Dwelling in the Conflict
Chapter 5: The Artist
Chapter 6: The Engineer
Chapter 7: When Artists and Engineers Meet—An Exercise in Constructive Conflict
Chapter 8: The Athlete
Chapter 9: The Sage
Chapter 10: When Athletes and Sages Meet—An Exercise in Constructive Conflict
Chapter 11: The Innovation Code within