Be a Project Motivator: Unlock the Secrets of Strengths-Based Project Management

  • 5h 41m 19s
  • Ruth Pearce
  • Berrett-Koehler Publishers
  • 2019

Ruth Pearce shows how behavior, language, and attitudes affect engagement and how leveraging character strengths can help improve relationships, increase innovation, and build higher-functioning teams. This focus on character strengths - such as bravery, curiosity, fairness, gratitude, and humor - can help project managers recognize and cultivate the things that are best in themselves and others.

Many project managers do not have the authority to direct the activities of people on their teams - they can only influence them. The most influential people succeed by focusing less on themselves and their message and more on others. They pay attention; they are brave; they are vulnerable; they are curious, and they look for and acknowledge the things that are important about, and to, the other person. And they model the behavior that they want to see. This book tells you how.

In this Audiobook

  • 1 - Project Managers: More than Just Plate Spinners and Ball Jugglers
  • 2 - Seeing is Believing: The Maggie Method
  • 3 - Influence: The Project Motivator's Best Friend
  • 4 - Building a Culture of Appreciation
  • 5 - Building a Culture of Appreciation for Our Stakeholders and Teams
  • 6 - When Strengths Go Wrong
  • 7 - When Other Things Go Wrong
  • 8 - Completing the Circle to be a Project Motivator
  • 9 - Creating the Implementation Plan


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