Contagious You: Unlock Your Power to Influence, Lead, and Create the Impact You Want

  • 13h 8m 13s
  • Anese Cavanaugh
  • Recorded Books, Inc.
  • 2020

The much-anticipated follow-up to Contagious Culture shows aspiring leaders how to embody the qualities they wish to cultivate in their organizations.

In Contagious Culture, Anese Cavanaugh proved that it’s possible to create an energized and engaged organizational culture that spreads from person to person. Now, in Contagious You, she hones in on the individual, showing us how each of us is contagious in our own way and stressing the importance of leading with intention to achieve positive results.

For anyone who’s sought to create change, or felt sucked into the drama and chaos of a toxic work environment, this book will advance the notion that everyone at an organization is a leader - for good or for bad - and that leaders have tremendous power to influence those who follow their example. The quality of our leadership is based upon our intentions, energy, and presence. By emphasizing authorship, self-care, and response-ability (not responsibility) as leadership skills and therefore cultural amplifiers, Contagious You shows you how to walk the path of more effective leadership while navigating the road blocks in your way. Whether these road blocks are working with negative co-workers with secret agendas and unrealistic expectations, or just the general “busyness” of life and its excessive demands, this book will take you on a journey to create more space, more courageous leadership, and stronger collaboration to influence others and create the impact you desire.

The common denominator is you. No matter what level you’re on, your intentions, energy, and presence impact your ability to do anything within your life. Contagious You is an invitation to unlock your own power. You set the tone. You are the culture. So show up, lead, and intentionally become the change you wish to see.

In this Audiobook

  • Chapter 1 - You are Contagious. Own it.
  • Chapter 2 - Awareness is Power. Work it.
  • Chapter 3 - More Credibility, Success, and Influence is Within You. Get it.
  • Chapter 4 - Desire, Intention, Impact. Clarify it.
  • Chapter 5 - Design Your Intentional Energetic Presence. Be it.
  • Chapter 6 - Strengthen Your Immunity: Self-Care, Self-Kind, Self-Full. Nourish it.
  • Chapter 7 - Your Superpower Toolkit: 21 Practices to Cultivate. Use it.
  • Chapter 8 - The Science of Showing up. Explore it.
  • Chapter 9 - The Seven P's of Personal Burnout and Transforming “Bad” Things into “Good.” Do it.
  • Chapter 10 - But What about “That Guy/Gal”? Understand Them.
  • Chapter 11 - Other People's Problems, Projections, and Expectations. Rise Above Them.
  • Chapter 12 - System Wellness: Navigate Conflict and Design Life-Giving Relationships. Create Them.
  • Chapter 13 - Bring People with You. Enroll and Serve Them.
  • Chapter 14 - Honor and Accelerate Team Magic. Elevate and Propel Them.
  • Chapter 15 - Create a (Positively) Contagious Culture. Live it.
  • Chapter 16 - Create Impact and Real Results: Play the Game, Choose Your Cause. Be it.


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