Creative Visualization: Use the Power of Your Imagination to Create What You Want in Your Life

  • 3h 12s
  • Shakti Gawain
  • New World Library
  • 2016

Learn how to use the power of your imagination to create what you want in life! Based on Shakti Gawain's best selling book, Creative Visualization, this presentation teaches you methods for using mental imagery and affirmation to produce positive change. Today, creative visualization techniques are used successfully in the fields of health, athletics, business, education, and the creative arts.

In this Audiobook

  • What is Creative Visualization
  • How Creative Visualization Works
  • A Simple Exercise in Creative Visualiztion
  • It's Important to Relax
  • How to Visualize
  • Four Basic Steps for Effective Creative Visualization
  • Creative Visualization Works Only for Good
  • Affirmations
  • A Spiritual “Paradox”
  • Making Creative Visualization Part of Your Life
  • Being, Doing and Having
  • Three Necessary Elements
  • Contacting Your Higher Self
  • Going with the Flow
  • Prosperity
  • Accepting Your Good
  • Outflowing
  • Healing
  • Grounding Yourself and Running Energy
  • Opening the Energy Centers
  • Creating Your Sanctuary
  • Meeting Your Guide
  • Pink Bubble Technique
  • Healing Meditatons
  • Invocations
  • Ways to Use Affirmations
  • A Creative Visualization Notebook
  • Clearing
  • Writing Affirmations
  • Setting Goals
  • Ideal Scene
  • Treasure Maps
  • Health and Beauty
  • Creative Visualization in Groups
  • Creative Visualization in Relationships
  • Creative Consciousness
  • Discovering Our Higher Purpose
  • Your Life is Your Work of Art