Empowerment Takes More Than a Minute
- 1h 27m 35s
- Alan Randolph, John P. Carlos, Ken Blanchard
- Recorded Books, Inc.
- 1999
Told in novel form, Empowerment Takes More Than a Minute provides practical and simple concepts that CEOs, COOs, and mangers at all levels in organizations both public and private can apply to their particular situations.
In this Audiobook
Empowerment Takes More Than a Minute: The Challenge
The Empowering Manager
The Land of Empowerment
The First Key: Share Accurate Information with Everyone
The Second Key: Create Autonomy through Boundaries
The Third Key: Replace Hierarchical Thinking with Self-Managed Teams
The Three Keys in Dynamic Interaction
Give Everyone the Information to Act
Boundaries Are Guidelines for Action
Allow Teams to Become Self-Directed
Persist in Your Belief in Empowerment
The Empowerment Game Plan