Free Prize Inside!: The Next Big Marketing Idea

  • 2h 58m 5s
  • Seth Godin
  • Gildan Media
  • 2009

We live in an era of too much noise, too much clutter, too many choices, and too much spam. And as Seth Godin’s 200,000-copy bestseller Purple Cow taught the business world, the old ways of marketing simply don’t work anymore. The best way to sell anything these days is through word of mouth—and the only real way to get word of mouth is to create something remarkable.

Free Prize Inside, the sequel to Purple Cow, explains how to do just that. It'’s jammed with practical ideas you can use right now to make your product or service remarkable, so that it will virtually sell itself.

In this Audiobook

  • Section 1: Why You Need a Free Prize
  • Section 2: Selling the Idea
  • Section 3: Creating the Free Prize