Hatching Twitter: A True Story of Money, Power, Friendship, and Betrayal

  • 9h 56m 28s
  • Nick Bilton
  • Random House
  • 2014

Despite all the coverage of Twitter’s rise, Nick Bilton of The New York Times is the first journalist to tell the full story—a gripping drama of betrayed friendships and highstakes power struggles. The four founders—Evan Williams, Biz Stone, Jack Dorsey, and Noah Glass—made a dizzyingly fast transition from ordinary engineers to wealthy celebrities. They fought each other bitterly for money, influence, publicity, and control as Twitter grew larger and more powerful. Ultimately they all lost their grip on it.

In this Audiobook

  • #START
  • @Ev
  • @Noah
  • @Jack
  • @Biz
  • Troubled Waters
  • Status
  • Twitter
  • Just Setting Up My Twttr
  • The Cowboy at the Rodeo
  • The Green Benches
  • A Bloody Mess
  • Chaos Again
  • And the Winner Is …
  • The First CEO
  • The Hundred-Million-Dollar Offer
  • Is Twitter Down?
  • The Dressmaker
  • Rumors
  • Fuck Fuck Fuck …
  • Building Sand Castles Underwater
  • Calling My Parents
  • The Third Twitter Leader
  • Fight or Flight
  • The Marathon Man
  • Dinner with Al
  • Oprah
  • Spiraling into Iraq
  • The Time 101
  • Iranian Revolution
  • The Accidental Billionaire
  • The Coach and the Comedian
  • Jack's Gone Rogue
  • Steve Jobs 2.0
  • Russian-Roulette Relations
  • Secret Meetings
  • The Clown Car in the Gold Mine
  • A Sunday Storm
  • No Adult Supervision
  • Jack's Back!
  • Make Better Mistakes Tomorrow
  • What's Happening?