How Excellent Companies Avoid Dumb Things: Breaking the 8 Hidden Barriers that Plague Even the Best Businesses
- 6h 39m 14s
- Neil Smith, Patricia O'Connell
- Recorded Books, Inc.
- 2012
Companies make headline news all the time for decisions that make many of us scratch our heads in wonder, even companies that are smart and successful. Here, Neil Smith, with more than 20 years of experience leading large-scale performance improvements, reveals the hidden barriers that cause excellent companies to do dumb things, and smart people within companies to act in dumb ways.
Drawing on his experience working with and helping transform top global businesses, Smith has identified 8 barriers that prevent organizations from achieving and maintaining sustainable success. Rich with anecdotes and case studies, Smith outlines a fast and proven process in which 12 principles of business transformation can break down the barriers holding companies back. What Smith offers his readers is the same thing he offers every day to the major companies he works with, a promise that by following his insights, the company will be able to increase communication, simplicity, and profit to levels never before attainable.
In this Audiobook
Chapter 1 Barrier 1: Avoiding Controversy
Chapter 2 Barrier 2: Poor Use of Time
Chapter 3 Barrier 3: Reluctance to Change
Chapter 4 Barrier 4: Organizational Silos
Chapter 5 Barrier 5: Management Blockers
Chapter 6 Barrier 6: Incorrect Information and Bad Assumptions
Chapter 7 Barrier 7: Size Matters
Chapter 8 Barrier 8: Existing Processes
Chapter 9 Twelve Principles for Breaking Barriers
Chapter 10 It's All about Psychology
Chapter 11 A 100-Day Process for Breaking Barriers
Chapter 12 Mining Gold: The Results to Expect
Chapter 13 Conclusion: What Are You Waiting For?