Life Is What You Make It: Find Your Own Path to Fulfillment

  • 5h 24m 58s
  • Peter Buffett
  • The Random House Audio Publishing Group
  • 2010

Personal and revealing, instructive and intuitive, Life Is What You Make It is about transcending your circumstances, taking up the reins of your destiny, and living your life to the fullest.

In this Audiobook

  • 1 • Normal is what you're used to
  • 2 • No one deserves anything
  • 3 • The myth of the level playing field
  • 4 • The (mixed) blessing of choice
  • 5 • The mystery of vocation
  • 6 • Buying time
  • 7 • Don't just find your bliss—do your bliss
  • 8 • Portals of discovery
  • 9 • Be careful what you wish for …
  • 10 • What we mean when we say “success”
  • 11 • The perils of prosperity
  • 12 • The gentle art of giving back