Managing For the Future: The 1990s and Beyond
- 11h 16m 7s
- Peter F. Drucker
- Brilliance Publishing
- 2010
Drucker brings clear-sighted analysis and practical inspiration to an interesting array of subjects: the end of the era of the blue-collar worker; the ultimate bankruptcy of economic pump priming by the federal government; the myths about the Japanese economic juggernaut; the lessons that nonprofit enterprises can teach big business; the changing attitudes of middle managers as the doctrine of company loyalty gives way to the demand for rewarding achievement; and many more.
In this Audiobook
1. The Futures Already Around Us
2. The Poverty of Economic Theory
3. The Transnational Economy
4. From World Trade to World Investment
5. The Lessons of the U.S. Export Boom
6. Low Wages: No Longer a Competitive Edge
7. Europe in the 1990s: Strategies for Survival
8. U.S.-Japan Trade Needs a Reality Check
9. Japan's Great Postwar Weapon
10. Misinterpreting Japan and the Japanese
11. Help Latin America and Help Ourselves
12. Mexico's Ace in the Hole: The Maquiladora
13. The New Productivity Challenge
14. The Mystique of the Business Leader
15. Leadership: More Doing Than Dash
16. People, Work, and the Future of the City
17. The Rise and Fall of the Blue-Collar Worker
18. On Ending Work Rules and Job Descriptions
19. Making Managers of Communist Bureaucrats
20. China's Nightmare: No Jobs for the Millions
21. Tomorrow's Managers: The Major Trends
22. How to Manage the Boss
23. What Really Ails the U.S. Auto Industry
24. Manage by Walking Around—Outside!
25. Corporate Culture: Use It, Don't Lose It
26. Permanent Cost Cutting: Permanent Policy
27. What the Nonprofits Are Teaching Business
28. Nonprofit Governance: Lessons for Success
29. The Nonprofits' Outreach Revolution
30. The Governance of Corporations
31. Four Marketing Lessons for the Future
32. Tomorrow's Company: Dressed for Success
33. Company Performance: Five Telltale Tests
34. R & D: The Best Is Business-Driven
35. Sell the Mailroom: Unbundling in the '90s
36. The 10 Rules of Effective Research
37. The Trend Toward Alliances for Progress
38. A Crisis of Capitalism: Who's in Charge?
39. The Emerging Theory of Manufacturing