Managing Your Career: HBR Working Parents Series

  • 3h 39m 45s
  • Harvard Business Review
  • Gildan Media
  • 2020

Move ahead in your career - without leaving your family behind.

What happens when you're no longer setting goals and chasing dreams that work for you alone? When the career choices you make have ripple effects on your family? Can you uproot your household for an overseas assignment even if it's a surefire path to promotion? How do you make time for your kids - or yourself - if you work more than one job?

These are some of the questions you ask yourself as you struggle to balance managing your career with managing your family. In Managing Your Career, experts provide answers to the challenges you face as a working parent, from negotiating a flexible schedule to overcoming the parenthood penalty whether you're taking time off, treading water, or reentering the workforce.

You'll learn to: assess the impact of downshifting on your career, your home life, and your identity; make time for professional development; communicate effectively with everyone, from your boss to your toddler; boost your impact and visibility, even with an erratic schedule; and build support systems to get you through rough patches at work and cope with childcare failures.

In this Audiobook

  • 1. How to Build a Meaningful Career by Amy Gallo
  • 2. Work + Home + Community + Self by Stewart D. Friedman
  • 3. Get the Feedback You Need by Carolyn O'Hara
  • 4. The Family 360 Review by Scott Edinger
  • 5. Increase the Odds of Achieving Your Goals by Setting Them with Your Family by Jackie Coleman and John Coleman
  • 6. Flex Work, Part-Time, and Laterals, Oh My! by Michele Benton
  • 7. Winning Support for Flexible Work by Amy Gallo
  • 8. Make Part-Time Work for You: An Interview with Kristin McElderry by Amy Gallo
  • 9. How to Decide Whether to Relocate for a Job by Rebecca Knight
  • 10. When You're Leaving Your Job Because of Your Kids by Daisy Dowling
  • 11. Ramp up Your Career after Parental Leave by Lisa Quest
  • 12. Bring All of Your Identities to Work by Carrie Kerpen
  • 13. How Dual-Career Couples Make it Work by Jennifer Petriglieri
  • 14. Being a Two-Career Couple Requires a Long-Term Plan by Avivah Wittenberg-Cox
  • 15. A Guide to Balancing Eldercare and Career by Liz O'Donnell
  • 16. Working Parents Need a “Parenting Posse” by Alison Beard
  • 17. Create Your Own Personal Board of Directors by Priscilla Claman
  • 18. Making Time for Networking as a Working Parent by David Burkus
  • 19. What I Learned about Working Parenthood after My Kids Grew up by Avivah Wittenberg-Cox