Mark Babbit and Ted Coiné on A World Gone Social

  • 32m 24s
  • Mark Babbitt, Ted Coiné
  • 2014

In A World Gone Social: How Companies Must Adapt to Survive, co-authors Mark Babbitt and Ted Coiné discuss social media as a change agent that is essentially marking a new era of business. They argue that companies who don't maintain a social media presence will eventually become obsolete due to the fact that they will have a more difficult time consistently progressing themselves based on customer needs. Now, customers have the ability, at any time, and very easily, to influence other customers by sharing their experiences, both good and bad that they have had with companies. The authors insist that companies who don't provide the best customer service possible, and treat people with respect no matter what medium, will be hurting their business irreparably.

In this Audiobook

  • AMA Edgewise: Mark Babbit and Ted Coine on A World Gone Social
  • Introduction
  • Interview
  • Conclusion