Open Source Leadership: Reinventing Management When There Is No More Business as Usual
- 7h 33m 15s
- Rajeev Peshawaria
- Brilliance Publishing
- 2017
From taxi rides, hotel stays, car driving, to communicating and paying, everything we knew as normal has changed beyond recognition. To lead effectively in today’s brave new world, you have to question EVERYTHING. For the first time in human history, knowledge is free and almost every boundary to communication has been lifted. This open source world has permanently altered the business landscape. And you can count on the fact that the pace of change will only accelerate. Yet . . . companies still rely on management tools and practices that were, at best, mildly effective in their heyday.
In Open Source Leadership, Rajeev Peshawaria reveals the vision, insight, and practices he has used to help some of today’s largest and most influential organizations meet the open source world head on
In this Audiobook
Chapter 1: The Open Source Era
Chapter 2: The Naked Autocrat Creates Breakthrough Results
Chapter 3: Leadership Energy, Not Competencies
Chapter 4: Minimum Supervision, Maximum Performance
Chapter 5: No More Engagement Surveys
Chapter 6: Crowdsourced Innovation and Leadership Succession