Rebooting Work: Transform How You Work in the Age of Entrepreneurship

  • 5h 26m 49s
  • Carlye Adler, Maynard Webb
  • Gildan Media
  • 2020

From Silicon Valley leader Maynard Webb, how we can leverage technology to change how we work.

Maynard Webb has always been the go-to guy when Silicon Valley companies have thorny problems. Whether revamping eBay's crashing servers (transforming their technology weaknesses into a competitive strength) or investing in emerging technology start-ups, Webb brings strategic and operational savvy to every issue and venture. In his first book, Webb brings this same focus to tackle outdated models of work, created a century ago, which no longer sync up with either individual or employers' needs.

Through a unique framework, Webb identifies four different mindsets around work (the company man, CEO of your own destiny, disenchanted employee, and the aspiring entrepreneur). It organizes those who are self-motivated versus those who are waiting to be discovered and aims to give listeners the tools to become more self-actualized, happier, and ultimately more fulfilled in their careers. In identifying a paradigm shift that is already underway, Webb demonstrates clearly how to harness technology to embrace our own personal happiness, allowing people to become more productive at work and also spend more time with their families.

Rebooting Work reveals how anyone can take control of his or her own future, finding greater fulfillment, productivity, and happiness.

In this Audiobook

  • 1. Changing Work
  • 2. Technology: Powering the Future of Work
  • 3. The Framework
  • 4. Frame 1: The Company Man or Woman
  • 5. Frame 2: CEO of Your Own Destiny
  • 6. Frame 3: The Disenchanted Employee
  • 7. Frame 4: The Aspiring Entrepreneur
  • 8. The Age of Entrepreneurship