The Art of War For Women: Sun Tzu'S Ancient Strategies and Wisdom for Winning at Work
- 5h 54m 9s
- Chin-Ning Chu
- Gildan Media
- 2007
Would you like to transform your weaknesses into strengths? Succeed at work without compromising your ethics? Integrate your style and personal philosophy into every action you take? If so, this book is for you. In The Art of War for Women, bestselling author Chin-Ning Chu brings the eternal wisdom of philosopher-general Sun Tzu to women looking to gain a better understanding of who they are – and, more importantly, who they want to be.
In this Audiobook
Chapter 1: Ji (Planning)—The Elements of Strategy
Chapter 2: Doing Battle—Speedy Victory
Chapter 3: Strategy—Know Thyself and Others
Chapter 4: Disposition—Win First, Then Fight
Chapter 5: Momentum—Use Timing to Generate Momentum
Chapter 6: Real and Unreal—Illusion Is the Other Side of Reality
Chapter 7: Conflict—Don't Show Your Hand
Chapter 8: Imagination—See Things No One Has Seen
Chapter 9: Managing the Troops—The Principles of Management
Chapter 10: Terrain—Move According to Your Environment
Chapter 11: Nine Battlegrounds—Be More Competitive by Doing Less
Chapter 12: Attack by Fire—Fireproofing Yourself
Chapter 13: Espionage