The Obvious: All You Need to Know in Business. Period.
- 3h 30m 14s
- James Dale
- Recorded Books, Inc.
- 2007
The secrets to success in business aren't secrets at all. They're obvious, so obvious that they've mostly been taken for granted or ignored-until now. We've all read the business allegories, the "how I did it" success stories, and yes, there's good advice to be found in their pages. But nowhere is the advice as pure, as simple, as elegant, as it is in The Obvious. Former CEO James Dale has compiled ingenious words to live by, lucid truths as likely to be found in a fortune cookie as an MBA textbook. And the beauty of it is, regardless of the job-from sales rep to department head to CEO-the same principles yield the same results, and they're always effective. While all of Dale's advice is, well, obvious, it's implementation isn't. In The Obvious, Dale shares ways in which any businessperson can carry out these simple lessons and achieve success. -Show up. -Don't be a jerk. -Simple is better than complicated. -Tell the truth. (It's so rarely used, it's like a secret weapon.) -Bosses are not all idiots. -Don't look backward. There's nothing there. -Forgive and forget (or at least one out of two). -Trust someone besides yourself. -Start over tomorrow, but don't do it the same way. Entertaining, compelling, and commonsensical, The Obvious is all you need to know. Period.
In this Audiobook
The Bottom Is a Good Place to Start
There Are No Shortcuts
Work Is a Challenge. Or It Should Be.
It Is About Everyone but You
Go on an Ego Diet
The Credit Will Find You
There's Something to This Golden Rule Thing
The Bad Guys Make the Good Guys Look Better
Play Fair—What a Concept
You're Judged by the Company You Keep
Shut Up
Listen. Then Hear.
You Can Learn a Lot from Great Listeners. And Bad Ones.
It's OK to Be Ignorant. It's Not OK to Stay That Way.
Ask. It's a Great Way to Find Out What You Don't Know.
Don't Sell. Solve.
Give People What They Want (Not What You Want Them to Want)
Buying Is Selling
The Customer Is Always Right…Even When She's Wrong
You Can See More Clearly from a Distance
Ahem. Pay Attention.
Throw Out Your Mental Trash
Extra Long Is for Suits, Not Meetings
Don't Write in Ink (Fifty Percent of All Meetings Get Changed)
Cut the Budget
Cut Your Losses
It's More Important to Do Business Than to Speak Business
A Weasel Is a Rodent
Mean What You Say
There's No Such Thing as a Good Liar
An Excuse Is Not a Reason
Take Responsibility
Whatever You Think, Think the Opposite
Failure Is Good
Change Happens
Global Is the New Local
Just Because Someone Is Rich Doesn't Make Him Smart
You Have to Get Old. You Don't Have to Think Old.
Life Isn't Fair. Get Over It.
Consistency Beats a Hot Streak Every Time
Don't Look Backward. There's Nothing There.
Most Things Aren't as Serious as They Seem (But Some Are)
Envy Is Ugly
Grudges Are Stupid
Forgive and Forget—or at Least One out of Two
Ignore Titles, Especially Your Own
Money Is a Tool, Not a God
It's 0–0 Tomorrow
Show Up
Today Is a Good Time to Do Something
Obsessive-Compulsive Isn't All Bad
Patience Is a Virtue. So Is Impatience.
Don't Take “No.” Press “O.”
Work Is Not a Hobby
Be the Boss. Don't Be Bossy.
Take Boss 101. Learn from the Best and Worst.
Hire Someone Smarter Than You
Promote Someone Who Isn't Ready
Trust Someone—Besides Yourself
Firing Hurts—Or It Should
Everyone Has a Boss—Even the Boss
If You Wait for Things to Be Different, You're in for a Long Wait
If You Have to Ask for a Raise, Quit
Start Over Tommorrow—but Don't Do It the Same Way