The Science of Change Management: The 7 Phases of Change & Breaking Through Resistance to Change
- 57m 44s
- Larry Iverson
- Made for Success
- 2011
Have you ever felt overwhelmed and had a hard time breaking free from it? What if there was a proven technique you could use that calms you in 2 to 5 minutes—would you want to learn it?
Would knowing 6 ways to increase resilience when unexpected change occurs be of help? Psychologist and author, Dr. Larry Iverson has worked with over a million people in the last 30 years helping them create better lives through proactively managing and driving change.
In this Audiobook
Change Will Happen
Resistance to Change
Change is Inevitable
Life is a Process
Managing the Phases of Change
The Process
Mental Flexibility
Mental Maneuverability
Get Resilience—Now
Becoming More Mentally Tough
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