The Score Takes Care of Itself: My Philosophy of Leadership
- 10h 48m 34s
- Bill Walsh, Craig Walsh, Steve Jamison
- Recorded Books, Inc.
- 2009
Bill Walsh was perhaps the most influential and successful coach in NFL history, transforming the San Francisco 49ers from the worst franchise in sports to a dynasty that won five Super Bowls. He is acclaimed not only for his strategic brilliance but also for his advanced approach to leadership. His teams sustained a consistency of excellence rarely seen in sports or anywhere else.
Drawn from a series of deeply revealing conversations with coauthor Steve Jamison, The Score Takes Care of Itself offers Walsh's best leadership principles illustrated by anecdotes from his entire career. Additional insights and perspective are provided by his son Craig Walsh.
In this Audiobook
How to Know If You're Doing the Job
Coaches aren't Supposed to Cry: Survive One Minute at a Time
My Standard of Performance: High Requirements for Actions and Attitudes
An Organization Has a Conscience
Specifics of My New Standards
The Prime Directive was Not Victory
The Top Priority is Teaching
Winners Act Like Winners (Before They're Winners)
Seek to Be Near the Summit
Establishing Your Standard of Performance
How I Avoid Becoming a Victim of Myself
THE WALSH WAY - The Organization Man
Opportunity is in the Eye of the Beholder
The West Coast Offense: From Checkers to Chess
Lessons of the Bill Walsh Offense
Welcome Skeptics to Your Team
Share the Glory
Write Your Own Script for Success: Flying by the Seat of Your Pants (Is No Way to Travel)
Control What You Can Control: Let the Score Take Care of Itself
Protect Your Blind Side: The Leadership Two-Step: Move/Countermove
The Archaeology of Leadership: Seek Reward in the Ruins
THE WALSH WAY - The Problem Solver
“I am the Leader!”
The Common Denominator of Leadership: Strength of Will
Be Wrong for the Right Reasons
Protect Your Turf
Be a Leader—Twelve Habits Plus One
Sweat the Right Small Stuff: Sharp Pencils Do Not Translate into Sharp Performance
Good Leadership Percolates Down
Nameless, Faceless Objects
The Rules May Change, But the Game Goes on: I Strike Out the First Time, Not the Second
You Must Have a Hard Edge
The Inner Voice vs. the Outer Voice
Montana's Leadership by Example: Cool, Calm, and Collected
Don't Let Anybody Call You a Genius
The Leverage of Language
Don't Beat Around the Bush (When Describing a Bush)
Don't Mistake Grabbin' for Tackling
Communication Creates Collaboration: Big Ears are Better Than Big Egos
Be a King without a Crown
Create Uncertainty
Play with Poise
Teaching Defines Your Leadership
The Thrill of Teaching
THE WALSH WAY - The House Cleaner
Money Talks. Treating People Right Talks Louder.
You're as Good as Your Good People
The Over and Under: The Art of Managing Confidence
The Under: Strive to Be a One-Point Underdog
Seek Character. Beware Characters.
A Big Cheer for a Big Ego
The Bottom 20 Percent May Determine Your Success
Avoid the Dance of the Doomed
Use the Four Most Powerful Words
Extreme Effort Requires Extreme Prudence
The Bubba Diet: You Can't Transplant Willpower
“Conventional Wisdom” is an Oxymoron
Make Friends, Not Enemies: Al Davis, Howard Cosell, and Monday Night Football
Hold on Until Help Arrives: Keep Your Boss in the Loop
Keep Your Eye on the Ball
Make Your Own Mentors: A PhD from the University of Paul Brown, et al.
THE WALSH WAY - The Fog Cutter
How You Get Good: No Mystery to Mastery
Sine Qua Non: Your Work Ethic—What William Archibald Walsh Taught His Son
The Perfection of the Puzzle
The Gladiator Mentality: Get Your Mind Right
I Never Sang “The Star-Spangled Banner”
My Strengths?
Unleash Mentors: Tell Your Team to Teach
Don't Do unto Others (What Paul Brown Did unto Me)
Nine Steps for a Healthy Heart
Seriously, Don't Be Too Serious
The Last Word on Getting in the Last Word
Thinly Sliced Baloney (Can Make a Good Sandwich)
Surprising News Regarding the Element of Surprise
Don't Delay Delegating (Famous Last Words: “I'll Do it Myself”)
Cut Your Losses Before They Cut You
Look Below the Surface: There's More Than Meets the Eye
A Pretty Package Can't Sell a Poor Product
Zero Points for Winning (Means You're Losing)
What Do I Miss Least?
What Do I Miss Most?
Quick Results Come Slowly: The Score Takes Care of Itself
THE WALSH WAY - A Complex Man. A Simple Goal.