Worthless, Impossible, and Stupid: How Contrarian Entrepreneurs Create and Capture Extraordinary Value

  • 9h 28m 40s
  • Daniel Isenberg
  • Recorded Books, Inc.
  • 2014

Global entrepreneurship expert Daniel Isenberg presents a novel way to approach business-building, with insights and lessons learned from a worldwide cast of entrepreneurial characters. This group of courageous and energetic doers has created a global and diverse mix of companies destined to become tomorrow's leading organizations.

Worthless, Impossible, and Stupid is about how enterprising individuals see hidden value in situations where others do not, use that perception to develop products and services that people initially don't think they want, and ultimately go on to realize extraordinary value for themselves, their customers, and society as a whole. Amazingly, this process repeats itself in one form or another countless times a day all over the world.

In this Audiobook

  • Introduction: Surprise
  • Chapter 1. Myth #1 Entrepreneurs Must Be Innovators
  • Chapter 2. Myth #2 Entrepreneurs Must Be Experts
  • Chapter 3. Myth #3 Entrepreneurs Must Be Young
  • Chapter 4. Why the Best Entrepreneurs Seem Crazy
  • Chapter 5. Why the Best Ventures Seem Worthless (or Impossible, or Stupid)
  • Chapter 6. If You Can't Stand Heat: Why Every Entrepreneur Faces Adversity
  • Chapter 7. Some Kitchens Are Hotter Than Others: Succeeding When the Environment Is the Enemy
  • Chapter 8. Solving Burning Problems: When Adversity Is the Opportunity
  • Chapter 9. Personal Gain: How the Chimpanzee Got His Bananas Back from the Gorillas
  • Chapter 10. Perceiving Extraordinary Value
  • Chapter 11. Creating Extraordinary Value
  • Chapter 12. Capturing Extraordinary Value


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