Be the Leader You Aspire to with Specialized Coaching

August 2, 2023 | Reskill Your Workforce | 3 min read
Be the Leader You Want to be with Specialized Coaching

Would you believe that for almost 70% of people their manager has a greater impact on their mental health than their therapist or doctor?

And it makes sense. After all, our managers shape our day-to-day experience for 40 hours a week — or more. This reason alone shows why it’s important for managers to be equipped to have a positive impact on those around them at work.

Today, we’re excited to announce three new strategic coaching pathways that will help leaders at every stage of their career. They’re focused on:

  • Women in Leadership
  • Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI)
  • New Leaders

I recently joined Skillsoft as our vice president of coaching because of my passion about the impact coaches, mentors and leaders can have on others.

Great coaches are self-aware and foster this in others. They help identify skills gaps and reveal pathways to close them. They help others become leaders who can have a transformative impact.

Transformative leaders are vital in guiding teams, driving innovation, and achieving strategic objectives. By focusing on the development of these skills, organizations can benefit from increased employee engagement, decreased employee turnover, and more creative outcomes.

Coaching is one of the most effective ways to do that. By assessing yourself, learning and applying those skills, you create a transformation cycle that drives growth for you and your organization.

Specialized coaching focuses on developing skills relevant to a specific circumstance. To be successful, you must master skills for your journey.

Let’s take a look at these circumstances and the skills needed to be successful in them.

Coaching for Women in Leadership

Only 31.7% of top-level positions are held by women despite the fact that they make up 47.4% of the workforce, according to the U.S. News & World Report. Specialized coaching focused on Women in Leadership empowers women and their allies to advance their skill sets through a targeted assessment, focused learning experience, and one-on-one coaching.

Topics covered under this specialization include:

  • Strategic communication
  • Self-advocacy
  • Executive presence
  • Delegating

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Coaching for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

76% of employees and job seekers in the U.S. say that a diverse and inclusive workplace is important when evaluating job offers. Additionally, millennial workers in diverse workplaces experience 22% reduction in turnover rates and an 83% increase in engagement. Prioritizing a strong DEI culture helps leaders increase team productivity, engagement and overall culture.

Specialized Coaching focused on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion is built around 13 critical competencies for building and growing an inclusive workplace. Skillsoft DEI coaches have deep experience working with individuals at all levels to build DEI awareness and leadership skills.

Topics covered under this specialization include:

  • Developing employees
  • Giving feedback
  • Motivating others
  • Working with integrity

Coaching for New Leaders

74% of new leaders feel unprepared for their new roles, according to McKinsey and Company. Becoming a new leader is hard and riddled with challenges, particularly during a transition. Specialized Coaching for New Leaders is tailored to help new leaders develop the skills they need to successfully deliver on strategic initiatives, drive results, and create team culture, all while managing stress and taking care of themselves.

This coaching pathway is ideal for first-time managers, newly promoted managers, or even long-standing leaders looking to anchor in the basics of leadership.

Topics covered under this specialization include:

  • Fostering teams
  • Managing stress
  • Tolerating conflict
  • Measuring performance

Scale Internal Leadership Development with Specialized Coaching

Your organization’s ability to develop thoughtful and compassionate leaders will drive improved results across the board. With skilled leaders at the helm, your teams will have clearer guidance and direction, leading to increased output and confidence in their work.

If you’re not already considering coaching as a part of your development and the development of your teams, you should be.

Here’s how it works:

Each specialized coaching session is driven by assessment and metrics around the behaviors, beliefs, and mindsets of successful leaders. Once core focus areas are identified, your leaders will partner with a coach who has extensive knowledge and expertise.

Learn more about how specialized coaching can help your organization nurture self-aware and thoughtful leaders at every stage of their careers.