A Blueprint for Corporate Governance: Strategy, Accountability, and the Preservation of Shareholder Value

  • 2h 50m
  • Fred R. Kaen
  • 2003

Recent events have turned the spotlight on the issue of corporate accountability - especially when it comes to protecting shareholder value. In the modern corporation, non-owners commonly manage day-to-day operations, and their decisions have a direct impact on the company's overall value. But what can management do to positively impact share price and protect shareholder investment? A Blueprint for Corporate Governance is unique in that it addresses shareholder value from a managerial perspective. This important book covers all essential corporate governance issues from this angle, providing detailed information and insights on: contemporary asset pricing models, and how they can help managers determine optimal returns on shareholder funds; financial structures and dividend policies designed to advance shareholder interests; and, methods for executives, managers and boards of directors to work as one to enhance and increase shareholder value.

About the Author

Fred R. Kaen is Professor of Finance and Co-Director of the International Private Enterprise Center at the Whittemore School of Business and Economics of the University of New Hampshire. He teaches courses in corporate finance, corporate governance, and international financial management. His research focuses on international finance, corporate governance and corporate finance and has been published in many leading academic journals. Professor Kaen has held visiting positions at the University of Oregon, The Norwegian School of Economics and Business (Bergen), the Norwegian School of Management (Oslo), the University of Hamburg, and the Budapest University of Economic Sciences and Admininstration.

In this Book

  • Blueprint for Corporate Governance—Strategy, Accountability, and the Preservation of Shareholder Value
  • Corporate Governance—An Overview
  • The Governance Structure of American Corporations
  • Markets—Can You Trust Them?
  • Valuation
  • Corporate Governance Issues in Investment Decisions
  • Corporate Governance Issues and the Financing Decision
  • Corporate Governance Dividend Issues
  • Corporate Governance and Managerial Compensation
  • The Corporate Control Market
  • The Board of Directors and Shareholders Rights
  • Alternative Governance Systems—Germany and Japan