Active Above-Knee Prosthesis
- 4h 24m
- Haris Dindo, Remzo Dedic, Zlata Jelacic
- Elsevier Science and Technology Books, Inc.
- 2020
Active Above-Knee Prosthesis: A Guide to a Smart Prosthetic Leg presents original research and development results, providing a firsthand overview of idea generation and prototype production. The book gives insights into the problem of stair ascent for people with above-knee amputation and offers a solution in the form of a physical prototype of an active above-knee prosthesis with an actuated ankle. The book's authors have developed and tested a physical prototype of an active above-knee prosthesis, giving anyone who is researching and designing prosthetic devices firsthand knowledge on how to build on, and continue with, work that has already been done.
- Presents state-of-the-art technology in powered prosthetics
- Helps readers evaluate design options and create new developments
- Provides guidance on the evolution of advanced prosthetic design
In this Book
The Challenges of Prosthetic Design and Control
Human Motor System
Hydraulic Power and Control System
Prosthetic Modelling and Simulation
Prosthetic Design and Prototype Development
Dynamics-Based Action Recognition for Motor Intention Prediction
Experimental Validation of the Prosthetic Leg