Advances in Strategic Management: Finance and Strategy

  • 7h 20m
  • Belen Villalonga (ed)
  • Emerald Group Publishing
  • 2014

Strategy and finance are closely interrelated in the practice of management. With the increased informational demands resulting from regulatory changes such as Sarbanes Oxley and Regulation Fair Disclosure, the boundary between the roles of CEO and CFO has become blurred. Moreover, the global financial crisis has made the interdependence between corporate financial policies and firms' strategies painfully salient. In academic research however, the two fields have by and large developed independently of each other. Finance and Strategy fills this gap with rigorous research papers that bridge the strategy and finance fields by building on them. It encompasses a range of combinations among the two main subdivisions of strategy research - corporate strategy and business (competitive) strategy - and the two main subdivisions of finance research - corporate finance and capital markets. It includes theoretical and empirical contributions, and spans different underlying disciplines and research methodologies, consistent with the variety that exists amongst these two fields.

In this Book

  • Investments in Recessions
  • The Effect of Institutional Factors on the Value of Corporate Diversification
  • Termination Payment Provisions in Acquisitions: An Information Economics Perspective
  • Can You Believe It? Managerial Discretion and Financial Analysts' Responses to Management Earnings Forecasts
  • Financial Health and Partner Attractiveness in the Market for Inter-Firm Collaboration
  • Active Involvement of Private Equity Firms in Portfolio Companies and its Performance Effects
  • When Do Venture Capitalists Become Board Members in New Ventures?
  • Ownership Effects on Unrelated Diversification: An Institutions' Perspective
  • How Innovation can Affect Ownership Structure: The Case of Transient and Dedicated Institutional Investors
  • How Innovation Shapes a Firm's Survival Profile: Takeovers, Regulatory and Voluntary Delistings
  • The Role of R&D in Entrepreneurial Finance and Performance