Analyzing Form, Function and Financing of the U.S. Health Care System
- 8h 44m
- Paula Stamps Duston
- CRC Press
- 2016
Analyzing Form, Function, and Financing of the U.S. Health Care System tells the story of the U.S. health care system by using a narrative approach identifying function rather than the more common data-driven focus on structure. It presents policy decisions we have made about our health care system and analyzes some of their consequences to better understand the choices we have. To facilitate this, the book is divided into four major sections.
Section I is mostly "about" the health care system. It describes several theoretical models that provide a foundation for the structure of the U.S. health care system. Section II provides a description of the form, or organization, of the U.S. health care delivery system. It presents a comprehensive overview of the entire health care delivery system, including identifying all levels of care.
Section III focuses on financing, beginning with a description of the economic and political values that determine how we finance our system. It describes health insurance, from the perspective of both the consumer and the provider, and discusses how money moves through the system. It concludes with a discussion and analysis of cost and cost control efforts.
Section IV describes some of the more important efforts in health care reform, including several targeted programs that are a significant part of the U.S. health care system, such as Medicare and Medicaid. It also describes other targeted programs within the U.S. health care system and explores how other countries with economies similar to that of the United States organize and finance their health care systems.
About the Author
Dr. Paula Stamps Duston earned her PhD degree from the School of Public Health at the University of Oklahoma. She currently is teaching in the Commonwealth Honors College at the University of Massachusetts and serves as the graduate program director for public health in the university’s School of Public Health and Health Sciences. She is best known for her research in developing validated scales to measure the level of satisfaction of direct care providers, including both nurses and physicians. Her nurse satisfaction instrument, the Index of Work Satisfaction (IWS), is the most widely used in the field and is recommended by the American Nursing Association and JCAHCO for use as a quality indicator.
In this Book
Definitions of Health and Illness
Public Health: Defining Determinants of Health
Health Status Indicators
Role of Culture in the Organization of Health Care Delivery Systems
Political and Philosophical Values That Influence the U.S. Health Care System
Do We Have a System? A Functional Analysis
People Who Make the Medical Care System Go: The Workforce
Ambulatory Care: Functions, Structures, and Services
Other Components of the Medical Care System
Health Economics 101: Do Health Care Goods/Services Follow Standard Economic Rules?
From Economics to Health Policy and Regulation
Health Care Financing: Health Insurance
Health Insurance: Two Conceptual Models
The Payment Function: Money Moving through the System
Why Does Medical Care Cost So Much and What Can We Do about It?
Health Care Reform: Past as Prologue to Present
Taking Care of the Elderly: Medicare
Taking Care of the Poor: Medicaid
Taking Care of Almost Everybody Else
A Persistent Problem: Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Health Outcomes
Alternative Models for Health Care Systems: International Perspectives