Beginning Arduino Programming

  • 4h 55m
  • Brian Evans
  • Apress
  • 2011

Beginning Arduino Programming allows you to quickly and intuitively develop your programming skills through sketching in code. This clear introduction provides you with an understanding of the basic framework for developing Arduino code, including the structure, syntax, functions, and libraries needed to create future projects. You will also learn how to program your Arduino interface board to sense the physical world, to control light, movement, and sound, and to create objects with interesting behavior.

With Beginning Arduino Programming, you'll get the knowledge you need to master the fundamental aspects of writing code on the Arduino platform, even if you have never before written code. It will have you ready to take the next step: to explore new project ideas, new kinds of hardware, contribute back to the open source community, and even take on more programming languages.

What you’ll learn

  • Start programming quickly with Arduino sketches.
  • Write code that interacts with devices, such as LEDs, sensors, and motors.
  • Work with loops, functions, randomness, and delays in your Arduino projects.
  • Develop a style of writing code that reflects your individuality.
  • Use many of the Arduino libraries to control even more devices.
  • Read from RFID readers, write data to SD memory cards, and connect to the Internet using Ethernet.

Who this book is for

This book is for all Arduino board users who want to learn to program the Arduino board, regardless of hardware version or which devices are connected to the board. You do not need to have programmed before, but if you have, then you'll learn how to apply core coding features in the Arduino context.

About the Author

Brian Evans is an artist working in electronic media and Assistant Professor at Metropolitan State College of Denver, where he teaches multidisciplinary courses in art and design on topics that include spatial media, electronics, and 3D fabrication. Many of his classes use open-source hardware, including MakerBot or RepRap 3D printers and the Arduino electronics platform, in the creation of new works in art and design.

His work has been shown at the Los Angeles Municipal Art Gallery at Barnsdall Park, the Orange County Center for Contemporary Art, and the University Art Museum at California State University, Long Beach. Evans was a resident and contributor to the Grounding Open Source Hardware residency and summit at the Banff New Media Institute in Alberta, Canada, in 2009 and contributor to the Open Hardware Summit in New York, in 2011. He received an MFA at California State University, Long Beach, in 2008 and a BFA at Arizona State University in 2005.

In this Book

  • Getting Started
  • Sketching in Code
  • Working with Variables
  • Making Decisions
  • Digital Ins and Outs
  • Analog In, Analog Out
  • Advanced Functions
  • Arrays and Memory
  • Hardware Libraries
  • Serial and I2C
  • Continuing On
  • Beginning Electronics