Beginning FPGA: Programming Metal: Your Brain on Hardware

  • 3h 55m
  • Aiken Pang, Peter Membrey
  • Apress
  • 2017

This book is for those who have tinkered a bit with Arduino or Raspberry Pi, and want to get more hands-on with hardware, or for those new to electronics and you just want to dive in.

You don't need an electronics engineering degree or even any programming experience to get the most out of Beginning FPGA: Programming Metal. Just bring your curiosity and your Field-Programmable Gate Array. In this book, you'll be using the Arrow's BeMicro MAX 10 (Altera/Intel FPGA), a very affordable and breadboard-friendly FPGA development board to create a light sensor, an temperature sensor, a motion sensor, and just for fun, the KITT car display from Knight Rider.

Along the way, you'll learn the theory behind FPGAs and electronics, including the math and logic you need to understand what's happening - all explained in a fun, friendly, and accessible way. It also doesn't hurt that you'll be learning VHDL, a hardware description language that is also an extremely marketable skill.

About the Authorss

Aiken Pang was born in Hong Kong in the early 80's just in time for the home micro-computer revolution. He developed an interest in computers after finding an Apple IIe at his uncle's home, installing a TV card, floppy drive and loaded his first game (Pacman) by himself at the age of 10. Since then he has self taught himself a number of programming languages and built his own computers from scratch.

Aiken followed his passion for computing into more formal studies and holds a BEng in Electronics Engineering and an MSc in Computer Engineering from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University and the University of Massachusetts at Lowell respectively. He has been using VHDL to design hardware in FPGAs for over 10 years.

Hailing from the UK, Peter Membrey has worked for Red Hat, holds a RHCE certification, and has worked and taught at a number of educational institutions since the beginning of his career. He knows what Linux users like and need and hopes that CentOS will get the kudos it deserves. He lives in Hong Kong and is teaching and consulting on all matters having to do with Linux Enterprise networking, while studying for his master's degree.

In this Book

  • What Is an FPGA and What Can It Do?
  • Our Weapon of Choice
  • Lock and Load
  • Hello World!
  • FPGA Development Timeline
  • VHDL 101
  • Number Theory for FPGAs
  • Telling the Truth: Boolean Algebra and Truth Tables
  • Simplifying Boolean Algebra for FPGA
  • Sequential Logic: IF This, THEN That
  • Combinatorial Logic: Putting It All Together on the FPGA
  • Light Sensors: Turning a Laser Pointer into a Hi-Tech Tripwire
  • Temperature Sensors: Is It Hot in Here, or Is It Just Me?
  • How Fast Can You Run? Ask the Accelerometer!
  • Two-Way Communications with Your Raspberry Pi: SPI
  • Up in Lights: How to Drive LED Segment Displays


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