Beginning PHP 5 and PostgreSQL 8: From Novice to Professional

  • 13h 25m
  • Robert H. Treat, W. Jason Gilmore
  • Apress
  • 2006

Beginning PHP and PostgreSQL 8 delves into some of the most popular open source web development technologies, the PostgreSQL 8 database server and PHP 5 scripting language. You’ll learn to reap the benefits of these core technologies by using them in unison to create dynamic, data-driven web applications. This is an ideal read if you are a web designer, programmer, hobbyist, or novice who wants to create applications with PHP 5 and PostgreSQL 8.

About the Authors

W. Jason Gilmore has developed countless PHP applications over the past seven years, and has dozens of articles to his credit on this and other topics pertinent to Internet application development. He has had articles featured in, among others, Linux Magazine and, and adopted for use within United Nations and Ford Foundation educational programs. Jason is the author of three books, including most recently the best-selling Beginning PHP and MySQL 5: From Novice to Professional, now in its second edition. These days Jason splits his time between running Apress's Open Source program, experimenting with spatially enabled Web applications, and starting more home remodeling projects than he could possibly complete.

Robert H. Treat is a long time open source user, developer, and advocate. He has worked with a number of projects but his favorite is certainly PostgreSQL. His current involvement includes helping maintain the Web sites, working on phpPgAdmin, and contributing to the PostgreSQL core whenever he can. He has contributed several articles to the PostgreSQL "techdocs" site, presented multiple times at OSCon, worked as the PHP Foundry Admin on, and has been recognized as a Major Developer for his work within the PostgreSQL community.

In this Book

  • An Introduction to PHP
  • Installing and Configuring Apache and PHP
  • PHP Basics
  • Functions
  • Arrays
  • Object-Oriented PHP
  • Advanced OOP Features
  • Error and Exception Handling
  • Strings and Regular Expressions
  • Working with the File and Operating System
  • PEAR
  • Date and Time
  • Forms and Navigational Cues
  • Authentication
  • Handling File Uploads
  • Networking
  • PHP and LDAP
  • Session Handlers
  • Templating with Smarty
  • Web Services
  • Secure PHP Programming
  • SQLite
  • Introducing PDO
  • Introducing PostgreSQL
  • Installing PostgreSQL
  • PostgreSQL Administration
  • The Many PostgreSQL Clients
  • From Databases to Datatypes
  • Securing PostgreSQL
  • PHP's PostgreSQL Functionality
  • Practical Database Queries
  • Views and Rules
  • PostgreSQL Functions
  • PostgreSQL Triggers
  • Indexes and Searching
  • Transactions
  • Importing and Exporting Data