Bridging the Generation Gap: How to Get Radio Babies, Boomers, Gen Xers, and Gen Yers to Work Together and Achieve More
- 2h 30m
- Linda S. Gravett, Robin Throckmorton
- Career Press, Inc.
- 2007
Employee conflict…
Work ethic debates…
Loyalty issues…
Varying wants and needs…
If you are a manager, human resources professional, or business owner, you are faced with these types of issues every day. But why?
Because currently, there are five generations in the workplace: Radio Babies (born during 1930-1945); Baby Boomers (1946-1964); Generation X (1965-1976); Generation Y (1977-1991); even some Millennials (1991 and later). Each of them has a different perspective, based on their upbringing and daily lives. The key to making encounters between the generations successful is learning to understand the point of view of each generation and respect their differences.
The individuals and organizations that do this will be the ones to succeed. This book will show you how.
Authors Gravett and Throckmorton take a dynamic approach to the situation by writing in two distinct voices—as a Baby Boomer and a Gen-Xer—using a “point-counterpoint” approach to identify differences and similarities across generations.
They share hands-on experiences, real-life cases, recommended solutions, and ground-breaking research on how members of any generation can better relate to minimize conflict, miscommunication, and wasted energy. You will learn what each generation thinks of the others and how each wishes the others viewed it.
Bridging the Generation Gap is filled with strategies and solutions you can implement immediately to help build your own bridge between the generations.
About the Authors
Dr. Gravett is senior partner of Gravett and Associates, an organizational development consulting firm headquartered in Cincinnati, Ohio, and co-founder of, an online consulting firm. She has consulted with organizations such as Dole, Williams-Sonoma, and Perfetti Van Melle over the past 15 years. Dr. Gravett is a frequent speaker at professional conferences on the topics of HRM ethics, leveraging workplace diversity, and gender and generational differences. She is the also the author of HRM Ethics: Perspectives for a New Millennium, published in 2002.
Robin Throckmorton is the founder of and senior consultant with Strategic HR, Inc., a human resources management consulting firm headquartered in Cincinnati, Ohio, and co-founder of, an online consulting firm. She has been a consultant for more than 10 years with healthcare, manufacturing, service, and non-profit organizations, creating solutions to help them recruit and retain the best and the brightest employees. Robin is a frequent speaker for professional associations and conferences on the topics of generational differences, retention, recruitment strategies, and labor trends.
In this Book
Why Can't We All Just Get Along?!
Let's Talk Dollars and Sense
The Generations in Context: How Did We Get This Way?
How to Entice Each Generation to Join Your Organization
Retaining Quality Radio Babies
Retaining Quality Baby Boomers
Retaining Quality Gen Xers
Retaining Quality Gen Ys
Get Ready, 'Cause Here I Come
Managing Conflict Across Generations
Older Workers, Younger Bosses
They Want What?! Working with the Gen Y Entitlement Mindset
Tailoring Training and Development Across Generations
Building a Bridge Across the Generations
Generational Imposters: A Presentation
Frequently Asked Questions