Building APIs with Node.js

  • 1h 34m
  • Caio Ribeiro Pereira
  • Apress
  • 2016

Learn how to build scalable APIs using the Node.js platform and ES6 (EcmaScript 2015) with this quick, informative guide.

Developing systems for the wide range of devices available in the modern world requires the construction of APIs designed to work only with data in a centralized manner, allowing client-side applications to be developed separately and have a unique interface for the final user.

Node.js has proven itself to be an excellent platform for building REST APIs because of its single-thread architecture. It has a low learning curve and can be understood by anyone who has a basic understanding of the JavaScript language.

Use Building APIs with Node.js today to understand how Node.js APIs work, and how you can build your own.

What You Will Learn

  • Build scalable APIs using the Node.js platform
  • Use ES6, Express, Passport, ApiDoc, Mocha, Helmet and more
  • Integrate an SQL database through Sequelize.js and build a single page application using Vanilla.js

Who This Book Is For

Ideal for developers who have a basic understanding of JavaScript and Node.js.

About the Author

Caio Ribeiro Pereira is a software engineer from Brazil who works with Node.js, JavaScript, Meteor, Ruby on Rails and other front-end frameworks. He has a Bachelor's degree in Information Systems, likes to blog in his free time, and is actively engaged in many local meet-ups including NodeBr, DevInSantos, Meteor Brazil and JavaScript Brazil.

In this Book

  • Introduction to Node.js
  • Setting Up the Environment
  • Managing Modules with NPM
  • Building an API
  • Working with SQL Databases
  • CRUDify API Resources
  • Authenticating Users
  • Testing the Application: Part 1
  • Testing the Application: Part 2
  • Documenting the API
  • Preparing the Production Environment
  • Building the Client-Side App: Part 1
  • Building the Client-Side App: Part 2