C++ Plus Data Structures, Fifth Edition

  • 12h 16m
  • Nell Dale
  • Jones and Bartlett Learning
  • 2013

Written by renowned author and educator Nell Dale, C++ Plus Data Structures, Fifth Edition explores the specifications, applications, and implementations of abstract data types with unmatched accessibility. Updated with new case studies and exercises throughout, this edition provides intuitive explanations that clarify abstract concepts, and approaches the study of data structures with emphasis on computer science theory and software engineering principles. Topics such as modularization, data encapsulation, information hiding, object-oriented decomposition, algorithm analysis, life-cycle software verification models, and data abstraction are carefully presented to foster solid software engineering techniques. In addition to real-world exercises and case studies that define Nell Dale’s teaching philosophy, this Fifth Edition provides an increased emphasis on object-oriented design and an early introduction of object-oriented concepts.

About the Author

Nell Dale received a B.S. in Mathematics and Psychology from the University of Houston, a M.A. in Mathematics, from the University of Texas at Austin, and a Ph.D. in Computer Sciences from the University of Texas at Austin. Nell Dale has been on the faculty at the University of Texas, Austin since 1975.

In this Book

  • Software Engineering Principles
  • Data Design and Implementation
  • ADT Unsorted List
  • ADT Sorted List
  • ADTs Stack and Queue
  • Lists Plus
  • Programming with Recursion
  • Binary Search Trees
  • Priority Queues, Heaps, Graphs, and Sets
  • Sorting and Searching Algorithms