COBOL Programmers Swing with Java

  • 3h 13m
  • Bill C. Hardgrave, E. Reed Doke, Richard A. Johnson
  • Cambridge University Press
  • 2005

In the fast moving world of information technology, Java is now the number 1 programming language. Programmers and developers everywhere need to know Java to keep pace with traditional and web-based application development. COBOL Programmers Swing with Java provides COBOL programmers a clear, easy transition to Java programming by drawing on the numerous similarities between COBOL and Java.

The authors introduce the COBOL programmer to the history of Java and object-oriented programming and then dive into the details of the Java syntax, always contrasting them with their parallels in COBOL. A running case study gives the reader an overall view of application development with Java, with increased functionality as new material is presented. This new edition features the development of graphical user interfaces (GUI's) using the latest in Java Swing components.

The clear writing style and excellent examples make the book suitable for anyone wanting to learn Java and OO programming, whether they have a background in COBOL or not.

About the Authors

E. Reed Doke is Professor Emeritus of Information Systems at Southwest Missouri State University in Springfield. He received his Ph.D. in Management and Computer Information Systems from the University of Arkansas. He worked for several years as a software developer and information systems manager prior to joining academia and continues to assist firms with systems development problems. He has published eight books and numerous articles focusing on object-oriented software development.

Bill C. Hardgrave is Associate Professor of Information Systems and Executive Director of the Information Technology Research Center, and he holds the Edwin & Karlee Bradberry Chair at the University of Arkansas. Prior to entering academia, he worked as a programmer, systems analyst, and general manager for two software development firms. He continues to help companies solve a variety of information systems–related problems. Dr. Hardgrave has published two books and more than 50 articles, primarily on the topic of software development.

Richard A. Johnson worked for several Fortune 500 companies as an industrial engineer and manager before receiving a Ph.D. in Computer Information Systems from the University of Arkansas in 1998. Since then, Dr. Johnson has published a text on systems analysis and design and fourteen articles in refereed journals. He is currently an Associate Professor of Computer Information Systems at Southwest Missouri State University, where he teaches Java programming and web application development.

In this Book

  • Introduction
  • Why You Should Learn Java
  • An Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming
  • Java Structure
  • Defining Data
  • Computation
  • Decision Making
  • Loops
  • Arrays
  • Data Access
  • Graphical User Interfaces
  • Object-Oriented Development Issues