Collaboration, How Leaders Avoid the Traps, Create Unity, and Reap Big Results

  • 4h 21m
  • Morten T. Hansen
  • Harvard Business Press
  • 2009

In Collaboration, author Morten Hansen takes aim at what many leaders inherently know: in today's competitive environment, companywide collaboration is an imperative for successful strategy execution, yet the sought-after synergies are rarely, if ever, realized. In fact, most cross-unit collaborative efforts end up wasting time, money, and resources. How can managers avoid the costly traps of collaboration and instead start getting the results they need?

In this book, Hansen shows managers how to get collaboration right through "disciplined collaboration"— a practical framework and set of tools managers can use to:

  • Assess when—and when not—to pursue collaboration across units to achieve goals
  • Identify and overcome the four barriers to collaboration
  • Get people to buy into the larger picture, even when they own only a small piece of it
  • Be a "T-Shaped Manager," collaborating across divisions while still working deeply in your own unit
  • Create networks across the organization that are not large, but nimble and effective

Based on the author's long-running research, in-depth case studies, and company interviews, Collaboration delivers practical advice and tools to help your organization collaborate—for real results.

About the Author

Morten T. Hansen is a professor at the University of California, Berkeley, and INSEAD in France. Previously, he was an associate professor at Harvard Business School, where he taught leadership and general management. In addition to his academic career, Hansen has been a management consultant for a number of years with the Boston Consulting Group. He holds a PhD from the Stanford Graduate School of Business.

In this Book

  • Collaboration—How Leaders Avoid the Traps, Create Unity, and Reap Big Results
  • Foreword
  • Introduction: The Perils of Collaboration—In Good Times and Bad
  • Getting Collaboration Wrong . . . or Getting It Right
  • Know When to Collaborate, and When Not To
  • Spot the Four Barriers to Collaboration
  • Lever 1 — Unify People
  • Lever 2 — Cultivate T-Shaped Management No Lone Stars, Please
  • Lever 3 — Build Nimble Networks No Bloated Rolodexes
  • Grow to Be a Collaborative Leader
  • Journey’s End (for Now)
  • Appendix: The Research Behind the Book
  • Notes
  • Bibliography